← NRHA Nomination Program

European NRHA Futurity / Derby Foal Nominations
Foal Year: 2020    Count: 1349

Horse Sire Dam Foal Date Nominator North American Option
A Nite in Walla Walla Walla Whiz Nitely Eyes 05/22/2020 Lynn De Ras No
A Sharp Whiz Sharp Dressed Shiner Goodlooken Texana 04/17/2020 La Mesa Performance Horses No
A Shining Dunalina Steppin On Sparks MTK Cloerima 05/06/2020 Massimiliano Ruggeri No
A Sparkling Step MH A Sparkling Vintage Miss Rosey Step 05/02/2020 Martina Hable No
A Whiz N Ice SG Frozen Enterprize A Whiz N Wranglers 03/01/2020 Carlo Sala No
AB Captain Sparked AB Captain Badger Sparked In The Shade 04/11/2020 Giulia Rossi No
AB Elvetichic Chic Magnetic Elvetica 05/16/2020 Christian Baldelli No
AB Lil Ruf Gun Colonels Shining Gun Ruf Dun Honey 05/10/2020 Agnes Bertaud No
AB Melody Gun Colonels Shining Gun Melody At The Bar 05/08/2020 Agnes Bertaud No
AB Sugar Flip Olena Sugar Little Step Flip O Lena Delmaso 01/15/2020 Antonello Biscaglia No
AB Whatta Shoot Colonels Shining Gun Whattamoor 02/25/2020 Arianna Aspersi No
AC Biferno Blue RS Nebbiolo Blue Grace Little Gunner 05/27/2020 Cristina Perozzo No
AC Cash Lil Joe Cash Miss Whiz Sparkles 04/16/2020 Alessandro Cazzaniga No
AC Not Ruf My Whiz Not Ruf At All Gotta Shiney Remedy 04/18/2020 Alessandro Cazzaniga No
AC Wyatt Earp Shine Chic Shine MM Lollipop 04/15/2020 Fiscus-Montloup No
Acqua Planet ARC Gunna Sparkya Spark N Planet 05/02/2020 David Roux No
ACU Skeet Joker Gun One Gun KN Skeet Baby Belle 02/01/2020 Alice Cella No
Afrozenwind SG Frozen Enterprize RS Cosmopolitan Lena 02/27/2020 Alberto Capello No
AK Shine My Wave What A Wave Misswhitefacegun 03/16/2020 AK Quarterhorses No
AK Tejano Lil Whiz Wimpys Little Tejano Whiz N Tiss 03/15/2020 AK Quarterhorses No
AK Tiss N Shining Colonels Shining Gun Whiz N Tiss 03/23/2020 Anke Waizenegger-Merkt No
All Her Gun LC Spat Lenas Gun All In One 05/11/2020 Dario Carmignani No
All Stars Shine Colonels Shining Gun Miss Supreme Spook 05/11/2020 Claudia Scheunemann No
Allyoueverwanted What A Wave Spook N Quix 05/11/2020 Angelika Von Rosenzweig No
AM Magic Manny ARC Magic Enterprise Manny Spanish Lena 05/02/2020 Alessandro Dughetti No
Anewchancetoshine BB Colonels Shining Gun Ms Ariana Gump BB 04/21/2020 Eifel Gold Ranch Baeck No
Angelina Jolinn In Like Flinn Gunners Mojo 05/29/2020 Francesco Groppelli No
Anthea Step In Like Flinn Chica Little Step 04/14/2020 Claudio Zocchi No
AP Shine N Spark Uncle Sparky Whizy Bondalie 05/07/2020 Axel Pesek No
AP Spark N Twist Uncle Sparky Royal Twist Quick 05/24/2020 Yannick Pesek No
AR Blue Moon PC Magnum Step Dream Tristar Glo 04/29/2020 Mattia Vacondio No
AR Call Me Mrs Grace Call Me Mr Voodoo ER Blue Gun Whiz 04/26/2020 Elisabetta Raviola No
AR Callme Mrsdreamer Call Me Mr Voodoo Sweet Candy Dream 04/18/2020 Elisabetta Raviola No
AR Colonelevolution Colonels Shining Gun Zananna Revolution 05/12/2020 Elisabetta Raviola No
AR Gotta Valentine Spooks Gotta Whiz Arc Shinin Valentine 03/19/2020 Elisabetta Raviola No
AR Guntown Chex Gunners Tinseltown Busy Bouncin Chex 02/06/2020 Elisabetta Raviola No
AR Lethalshineforme Kitas Spark SGA Miss Dual Flip 05/31/2020 Marco Filimberti No
AR Tino Way Spatatino Er My Way 02/28/2020 Mattia Vacondio No
AR Topgun Glory One Gun TR Topsail Flip 05/01/2020 Alexander Giangregorio No
ARH Charm Me Town Hollywoodstinseltown Lenas Charming Peppy 05/15/2020 Sandra Tourret No
ARH Nites N Diamonds Gunners Special Nite ARH Diamonds Addict 05/30/2020 Sandra Tourret No
ARH One Gun Sheriff One Gun Farfalla Del Cielo 04/11/2020 Sandra Tourret No
AS Spooks Blue Spooks Gotta Sting MRH Dun It Pricilla 04/30/2020 BEATRICE MARCON No
At Simonwood At Ale Wood ML Smart Soanna 05/04/2020 Alessandro Tropepe No
Awesome Katie Gun Gunners Last Oak Awesome Fancy Socks 05/12/2020 Marion Lang No
Babes Smokin Gun Lil Smokeing Gun Spooks Babe N Chic 05/07/2020 Karin Machalek No
Baby Whiz A Gun Colonels Shining Gun Top Satin Chex 04/09/2020 Netty Kuhn-Grassi No
Baby Willbeallright Houses Of The Holy Tinsel Little Queen 03/29/2020 Giulio Trevisan No
Bad Boy Cry Gunners Special Nite Sexy And I Know It 04/26/2020 BO Ranch No
Banjos Smart Face RH Pale Face Dunnit Banjolina Jolie 03/15/2020 Ricarda Hucke No
Bank That Girl Bank That Shine Miss Doctor Gunny 06/21/2020 Roberto Prevosti No
Bank That Sweet Bank That Shine REMINIC SWEET CODY 06/12/2020 GRC Horses No
BB Its Me Walla Whiz Crome Coco Delution 03/17/2020 Gunther Baensch No
BC Capitan Gun Colonels Shining Gun Frozen Skeet 04/30/2020 Cesare Borghi No
Bd Sparkle Step DB Yellownik CN Valentine Dixie 05/27/2020 SILVIA BELTRAMOLLI No
Be Danger Gun Snappy Gun Surprise CG Lady Corona 05/30/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Bella Face Pale Face Dunnit Straw Berry Whiz 04/22/2020 GRC Horses No
Berlino Trashgun 76 Lil Smokeing Gun PL Gunna Chex 04/23/2020 Mattia Cosio No
BH A Chic In Crome Smart Chic Olena Cromed Whiztress 05/01/2020 BH Farm Yes
BH Blckmoontrashya Gunnatrashya Miss Little Lina 04/26/2020 BH Farm No
BH Bluefire 66 Inferno Sixty Six Miss Little Lina 03/12/2020 BH Farm Yes
BH Double Spook Spooks Gotta Whiz Sayos Last To Spook 03/17/2020 BH Farm No
BH Infernal Step Inferno Sixty Six Star Wimpis Delmaso 01/02/2020 Ambrosini Quarter Horses ASD No
BH Magnum Step Dream Magnum Chic Dream Star Wimpis Delmaso 02/19/2020 BH Farm No
BH Maryluise Lilnite Lil Smokeing Gun Gunner Special Blue 03/14/2020 Lenka Lukackova No
BH Shine White Line Shine On Line ARC Jersey Lil BH 01/03/2020 BH Farm No
BHB XS Gunastepagain Gunner Dun It Again Bunny Wimpys BH King 05/18/2020 Valérie Fontaine Yes
Big Bang Voodoo Shiners Voodoo Arc Twist Out 04/11/2020 Kimberly Wegner No
Big Bay Jaba Jaba Oak Miss Bay Rooster 04/05/2020 Giulia Trusgnich No
Big Tag Chexs Whiz N Tag Chex Cashing Big Chexs 05/31/2020 Christine Wilinski No
Bigstar Crome ARC Gunnabeabigstar Custom Rome 03/12/2020 Gestut LQH No
Black Dun In Motion Black Gotta Gun GH A Chic With Code 04/28/2020 Ricarda Hucke No
Black Smoking Gun Hollywood Gun Dunnit Snap Shots 04/20/2020 Corinna Meffert No
Black Sparkling Gun Black Gotta Gun Well Dun In Sparks 05/20/2020 Melanie Peter No
Blow Up Sailor Gun Colonels Shining Gun Sofisailor 04/29/2020 Tiffany Gal No
Blue Gun Chic Chic Magnetic Gun Snow White 01/16/2020 Giulio Luciani No
Bluemoonintinseltown Hollywoodstinseltown RS Blue Whiz Star 02/25/2020 Kathrin Schuette No
BMS Getya Princess Hollywood Gun It Ally Get Your Gun 04/03/2020 Barbara Seibold No
BMS Piece Of Gold Hollywood Gun It BMS Tarielita 03/28/2020 Barbara Seibold No
BMS Walla Mcgun Walla Whiz Crome Ally Mcgun 03/18/2020 Barbara Seibold No
BMS Whizalot Of Luck Hollywood Gun It Vr Whizalotofpep 05/04/2020 Barbara Seibold No
Boemil Topsail Cody Topsail Speckles Boemil Veryquickmind 03/24/2020 Emilio Boniperti Yes
Brand New Seven Colonels Shining Gun A Rowdy Chic 03/19/2020 7 Heaven Reining Horses Yes
Brennas Holly Star Bo Knows Brennas Kid Hollywood Greatstyle 05/21/2020 Stefan Kuenzler No
Broad Olena Broadway BH Frosty Smart Colonel 02/27/2020 Saskia Peterka No
Bronco Hullygun Lean Brody Whiz Ms Shining Gun 01/02/2020 Antonina Zarnawska No
Bubble Egg Whiz Shining Style FG Easter Calbar 04/19/2020 Alice Marinoni No
CA Magic Banana Whiz CJ Whiz My Magic Jaba 04/30/2020 CA Ranch No
CA Potter Gun Lenas LC Spat Lenas Gun Cinnabar Exhibit 05/15/2020 Laura Orsolini Yes
CA Pradalenium Spark N Whiz IC Mifillinda Dry 05/06/2020 CA Ranch No
CA Special Papuche DC Masterspecialnite GB Spat On Whizard 05/29/2020 CA Ranch No
Cal Me Sparkya Boy ARC Gunna Sparkya Snappergina 07/08/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Cal Miss Bandit Dont Miss My Guns Brenda Cal Bar 04/10/2020 David Roux No
Call Me Dr Dre Call Me Mr Voodoo Gun Slingin Chic 05/18/2020 Andrea Battocchio No
Call Me Mr Bronco Call Me Mr Voodoo CSG Flashyboom 04/19/2020 Izabella Zarnawska No
Call Me Sparky Gun ARC Gunna Sparkya Cut A Rina 05/16/2020 Riccardo Abati No
Camouflage At Nite Gunners Special Nite San Nugget Dun It 03/28/2020 Irmgard Brendgens No
Cant Touch My Shine Shine Chic Shine Elans Beauty 03/27/2020 Marion Lang No
Captain Rooster Jac AB Captain Badger Rooster Flash N Glo 08/05/2020 Giorgio Guida No
Caronte Sixty Six Inferno Sixty Six Ima Late Doll 03/20/2020 Nicola Cordioli No
Cash For A Royal Gun Yellow Jersey Trigger Happy Chic 05/10/2020 Manuela Hoell No
Cash Gotta Gun Black Gotta Gun Big Chex Party Girl 06/10/2020 Corinna Meffert No
Cash N Red Lil Joe Cash ML Pretty N Red 04/19/2020 Enea Giacomelli No
CC Mr Grey Lil Smokeing Gun SM Lil Jabalina 04/15/2020 Cecini Cristian No
CDC Cielos Spirit Custom Del Cielo San Badgers Lily Pad 03/27/2020 Fabian Strebel No
Cee Me Shine In Town Colonels Shining Gun Cee U In Tinseltown 02/04/2020 Paulus Beurskens No
CF Cricket Gottawhiz Spooks Gotta Whiz RS Spat O Ban 04/14/2020 Il Colle Del Falco No
CG Chicandshininggun Colonels Shining Gun ARC Pleasealena 05/27/2020 Christelle Graffeuil No
CG Gunnabeatopstar ARC Gunnabeabigstar Sugar Top Peppy Whiz 04/22/2020 Christelle Graffeuil No
Cg Lilgraycrome Lil Smokeing Gun Sailors Last Dance 05/31/2020 Christelle Graffeuil No
Cherry Frozen Doc Frozen Sailor Spat Cherry Doc 01/28/2020 Cosimo Conte No
Chessmate Spat A Blue Dunit Sugar Quixote 06/22/2020 Willem Langendoen No
Chexout My Jolyjojo Colonels Shining Gun Misty Chex To Cash 04/01/2020 Jeremy Ropert No
Chic Delaia Chic Magnetic ML Elegant Anna 04/12/2020 Alessandro Iacobellis No
Chic Doctor Doctor In Diamonds ARC I Am Double Chic 03/22/2020 Joke Overbeek Fennema No
Chic In Shine Chuchic Bloom Shine 02/14/2020 Serena Bagnara No
Chic Magnadeous Magnum Chic Dream Gump Trashy Jewel BB 04/23/2020 Pascal Hoffmann No
Choco Sunburst Great Sun Burst FB Cioccolatinawheel 04/12/2020 23 Quarter Horses SRL No
Chrome Shining Baby Colonels Shining Gun Chrome Satin Skirt 06/02/2020 Wenche Westreng No
CL Dully Cat GFC Dully Dully Miss Sugar Pep 04/04/2020 Damiano Crudeli Yes
Claretta Miracled BB One Miracled Gun San River Clara Cay 04/01/2020 Massimiliano Ruggeri No
Cliff Shining Gun Colonels Shining Gun Shining Sweety 04/02/2020 Carola Fiorini No
CM Fancy Like Flinn In Like Flinn Fancy Revolution 05/28/2020 Roberto Morosi No
CM Shade Of Pale Pale Face Dunnit Smarty Wright Stuff 05/29/2020 Thorsten Riedel No
CM Spat Spook Spatatino Joe Lady Dox 04/21/2020 Emanuele Manzo No
CMS Dream Of Rooster Gallo Del Cielo Chex Out My Nickers 05/09/2020 Claudia Steffen No
CMS Wimpys Best Step Best Spook Wimpys Blue Step 05/11/2020 Katrin Steffen No
Codys Cromed Spook Undercover Spook Codys First Dolly 04/05/2020 Brenda Reijtenbagh No
Colonel Bo Shining Colonels Shining Gun Sophie For Bo 04/04/2020 Giovanni Lageren No
Colonel Dunit Gun SV Gunner Dun It Again D Day In Normandy 04/19/2020 Jean-Paul Tetard No
Colonel Einstein Colonels Shining Gun Kaysolve 04/27/2020 Fabian Strebel No
Colonel Great Star ARC Gunnabeabigstar Cols Great Sequel 06/04/2020 Mario Di Ciommo No
Colonels Frozen Gun Colonels Shining Gun Frozen Bay 06/18/2020 Nataly Conrich-Clark No
Colonels Ruf Skills Colonels Shining Gun Walhalla Ruf 03/17/2020 Michaela Bachleitner No
Colonels Surprise HG Colonels Shining Gun Foxy Lil Surprise 05/01/2020 Hans-Georg Holzwarth No
Color Me Trashya ARC Gunna Sparkya Color For Me 05/12/2020 Giuseppe Muzi No
Cool Memory Whiz A Lot Charly Step N Cool 02/15/2020 Angelika Gebert No
Copstar Smart Spook Finest Copyshot 01/11/2020 Schlager Nestelberger Partnership No
Cora Magnum Paleface Magnum Chic Dream Gs Berryface Dunnit 04/19/2020 Fco. Javier Gonzalez Merino Yes
Corona Whiz Ice Wimpy Crashed Ice Lil Smart Whiz 04/29/2020 Simon Bilger Yes
CR The Black Pearl GP The Cowboy Gun Just Boomsgreat Star 04/08/2020 Theo IJzerman No
CR A Nite Whiz Jo Gunners Special Nite Lil Joe Whizaway 02/29/2020 Susanne Duiker No
CR Chic Dreamin Chic Chic Dreamin LM Ebony Sugar Chic 04/18/2020 Susanne Duiker No
CR Lil Magnum Dunit Lil Magnum Elta Dunit First Gun 04/09/2020 Christine Rippel No
CR Magnum Pep Too Lil Magnum Si Me Pepto 05/09/2020 Christine Rippel No
CR Smokin Star Slide Smokin Mifillena Misty Bingo Star 05/08/2020 Christine Rippel No
CR Wild Bunch Rose Cr Superman Sugar Pep Bornonspringsday 05/07/2020 Theo IJzerman No
Criminal Code Electric Code Roosters Sally 04/12/2020 Alessandro Maioli No
Cromatic Frost SG Frozen Enterprize Cromatica 05/13/2020 Istvan Horog No
Crome Del Cielo Crome Dont Corrode Ciela De Lena 05/18/2020 Denise Lutgens No
Cromed Whiz Ice Walla Whiz Crome Hollywoods Ice Tee 05/04/2020 Melanie Peter No
Crush Ice SG Frozen Enterprize GH Redskin Lady 02/28/2020 Hannes Kirchberger No
CS Sunlight N Guns Gotta Nifty Gun Walawhiznsunlight BB 01/29/2020 CS Ranch Management SA Yes
CSG Angels Dream Colonels Shining Gun Dream N Nicki 03/03/2020 Katarzyna Roleska No
CSG Apocalypto Colonels Shining Gun Vallyes Miss BH 03/17/2020 Sebastian Mazur No
CSG Armanithinkchic Colonels Shining Gun ARC I Am Double Chic 04/16/2020 Katarzyna Roleska Yes
CSG Beforetherain Colonels Shining Gun Dun After The Rain 04/05/2020 Katarzyna Roleska Yes
CSG Clarabelikenicki Colonels Shining Gun Shiner Brimolena 03/15/2020 Katarzyna Roleska Yes
CSG Clintondelpiq Colonels Shining Gun Roosters Hot Piq 04/14/2020 Katarzyna Roleska No
CSG Frozen Rain Colonels Shining Gun Dun After The Rain 01/04/2020 Katarzyna Roleska Yes
CSG Gods Body Colonels Shining Gun Lights Broadway BH 06/11/2020 Nagiec Arkadiusz No
CSG I Am Double Boss Colonels Shining Gun ARC I Am Double Chic 02/05/2020 Katarzyna Roleska Yes
CSG Im Slowly Gun Colonels Shining Gun Im Magnifique 04/17/2020 Katarzyna Roleska Yes
CSG Pride Slide Colonels Shining Gun Frozen Slide 03/08/2020 Katarzyna Roleska Yes
CSG SHOWGUN Colonels Shining Gun Spat Gun Showtime 05/15/2020 Alessandro Frassa Yes
CSG Sophieimage Colonels Shining Gun Golden Flashy Whiz 04/14/2020 Katarzyna Roleska No
CSG Spartacus Whiz Colonels Shining Gun Shining Whiz 01/26/2020 Katarzyna Roleska Yes
CSG Timon Call Bar Colonels Shining Gun Topsail Cal Bar 02/12/2020 Katarzyna Roleska Yes
CSG Tinseltownlady Colonels Shining Gun Shiney Tinseltown 02/16/2020 Katarzyna Roleska No
Custom Deja Voodoo Shiners Voodoo Custom Vickie 02/17/2020 Sophie Raml No
Custom Made Rooster Cody Rooster Delmaso SZ Customs Newcomer 04/26/2020 LG Quarter Horses No
Custom Made Stopper Best Spook Snappin At Stars 04/23/2020 Giliam Van Der Straaten No
Custom Pine Custom Crome Red Pine Melody 03/24/2020 Michael Kneier No
Custom Ray Lena Custom Ryan Cols Pretty Lena 03/02/2020 Mario Di Ciommo No
Custom Show Crome Crome Dont Corrode JK Vivs Show Tip 04/20/2020 Petra Van Ede No
Custom Starlight Joe Lil Joe Cash Custom Playtime 04/25/2020 Sandra Kämmer No
Customs Walla Wanda Walla Walla Whiz Custom Katie 05/12/2020 Matthias Gruber No
CZ Little Lilo Lil Smokeing Gun Miss Little Bonnie 04/15/2020 Az. Agr. Ca' Zanoli QH No
CZ Mr Frost Gun One Gun Lady Frost Sultan 03/31/2020 Az. Agr. Ca' Zanoli QH No
DA Spat N Roost Rooster In Sugar Miss Jackie Spat 02/25/2020 MARCO ANTONIO DELL'ATTI No
Daisy Shining Gun Colonels Shining Gun Spat Starlight 06/08/2020 Giulia Mandaletti No
Dance In The Smoke Gunner Dance Little Spook 04/23/2020 Quarter Dream SRL Yes
Dance Out Flames Gunner Dance Little Spook 05/21/2020 Quarter Dream SRL Yes
Dancer Monkey Gunner Dance Little Spook 04/24/2020 Quarter Dream SRL Yes
Dancing Queen Smooth Move Chex Prosecco Enterprise 03/26/2020 Heidi Wallner No
Dark Smart Goldchain Gotta Gold Chain Redsmart Chilipepper 05/09/2020 Markus Haeberlin No
DB Chia Princess Tarysmart Princess Peppy Chic 03/02/2020 Angelika Dobesova No
DB Mercedes Winch Mercedes Rooster Sayos Senorita 04/15/2020 Angelika Dobesova No
DB Space Oddity Kitas Spark PLG Star Enterprises 04/13/2020 Davide Benfatti No
DC Dual Smokingun Chicks Smokingun SDP Molly Dolly 05/14/2020 Martina Cibrario No
DC Shine Tag Shine My Showbiz Whiz Kachina Shine 03/17/2020 Giovanni Cometti No
DC Shine Whiz Lil Ruf Show Wannabe Shining 04/19/2020 Stefano Brega No
De Niro Zakota Rietta De Niro Smokes Leonita 04/21/2020 Glis Ranch No
DG Gray Specialgrace Lil Smokeing Gun Gunners Specialolena 02/11/2020 Diego Dalla Gassa Yes
DG Sansa Whiz It Gun DG Hollywood Top Gun MD Topper Show Prize 03/11/2020 Daniele Godfroid No
DG Wimpy Nite Gun MD Smart Wimpy Chex Sliding Ms Daisee 03/22/2020 Daniele Godfroid No
Diabolic Footwork Piccolo Spanish Finest Devils Cut 06/11/2020 Jana Tecza No
Diamonds N Moondust Hickory Moonshine Dusty Sprat 04/30/2020 Pia Wilhelmi No
Diamonds Ranger Mcwimpysgotadiamond Miss Timeless Doc 03/22/2020 Gianluca Teodoro No
Dirtydealsatnite Gunners Special Nite Raise The Dealer 05/08/2020 Elena Gunter No
DJ Whisker 66 Inferno Sixty Six RS Dewars Jack 05/07/2020 Cosimo Grippa Yes
Django Rico Taris HH Rico and Sparky Miss Taris Jackie 05/10/2020 Karin Mairhofer No
DM Hollywood Tino Spatatino Alvhollywoodsurprise 04/12/2020 Chiara Di Mugno No
DM Wood Double Great Great Sun Burst Gently Bar 04/05/2020 Luca Paoletti No
Dolly Whiz A Gun Walla Walla Whiz Okie Smokingun 04/19/2020 Miriam Fleig No
Don Magnum Clay Red Magnum With A Dream Clay Red 02/13/2020 Filippo Donadeo No
Don Magnum In Hollywood Magnum With A Dream Freedom Dun It CG 03/05/2020 Filippo Donadeo No
Don Tornado What A Wave PC Senorita Spooks 05/07/2020 Pavel Slabik No
Dont Do It Again Gunner Dun It Again Diamond At The Bar 04/16/2020 Edith Zenouda No
Dont Miss With Rambo Dont Miss My Guns CDS Bloody Mary Love 06/03/2020 David Roux No
Dont Play Whiz Us ARC Lone Pine Dun It Whiz Sophie Chic 05/08/2020 Gildo Mercuri No
Donuts Whiz Ice SG Frozen Enterprize Dun Whiz It 04/04/2020 Anne Tournay No
Dr Bluebiz Whiz My Showbiz Whiz Greaty Blues Pie 04/19/2020 Roberto Lanzoni No
Dr Lee Raul Dr Lee Hook Loreen Epitome 05/06/2020 Glis Ranch No
Dr Lee Steen Dr Lee Hook MS Gunners Trasy 05/27/2020 Glis Ranch No
Dr Little Spatatino Spatatino My Last Romance 02/16/2020 Silvio Delle Donne No
Dr Millennium Whiz Spark N Whiz CN Mifiaward 01/02/2020 Roberto Lanzoni No
Dr Spark N Quix Spark N Whiz Dr Little Quixote 04/10/2020 Silvio Delle Donne Yes
Dream On Maggie HR Magnum Chic Dream A Splash And A Twist 03/26/2020 Sabine Hirzel No
Dreamed Magnum Chic Dream Spooks Gotta Crome 02/12/2020 Davide Brighenti No
Dreamin A Spook Magnum Chic Dream Spooks O Lena 05/23/2020 Ambrosini Quarter Horses ASD No
Dreamintherightstep Magnum Chic Dream Wimpys Surprise Chex 05/19/2020 Ambrosini Quarter Horses ASD No
Dreams Catcher Chic Dreamin Arc Miss Dual Cutter 05/01/2020 Filippo Masi No
Dreamworkz Magnum Chic Dream Footworks For Me 04/23/2020 Jolien Rottiers No
Dress Up Ruf Ya Gunnatrashya Dress Up Ruff 05/26/2020 Silke Stein No
Dressed Up Gun Sharp Dressed Shiner Love A Little Gunner 04/08/2020 Nicky Van Tendeloo No
Ds Piccolo Gun Listogun DS Blizzard Blue 05/16/2020 Giulio Trevisan No
Dun Great Spark ML Dunit Great Sailinspark Trilly 01/20/2020 Valon Krasniqi No
Dun Nifty Gotta Nifty Gun Whizzin Gun 02/27/2020 CS Ranch Management SA Yes
Duntastic Splash Duntastic QT BMS Tarisplash 04/05/2020 Conni Kuttenreich No
Duntastic Step Duntastic QT Shady Step 04/25/2020 Conni Kuttenreich No
Einsteins Caprigun Ruff Gun Einsteins Great Pine 04/24/2020 Corinna Meffert No
El Diablo VVS Smart Chic Olena Gun Start Whiz 05/23/2020 Timothee Pley No
Electric Bentley Electric Snow HA Lena Lynn 03/23/2020 Hillis Akin Family Partnership No
Electric Code Red Electric Code Chex Your Sail 03/17/2020 Claudia Eggl No
Electric Flame Electric Code Muyconquistadorflame 04/14/2020 Mateja Vesel No
Electric Frozen Lena Electric Code ARC Customattic 01/16/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Electric Kitas Mr Kitas Spark Elly Electric Doll 05/16/2020 Matese Ranch No
Electric Mountain Smart Whiz Delmaso Shyaning Electric 01/22/2020 Costanza Biagini No
Elektra Spook VB Electric Code Spook a Tonic 04/14/2020 Barbonetti Valerio No
Ely Del Cielo Ricochet Rooster hollywood doc win 03/29/2020 Francesco Carofiglio No
Emily Dickinson Gas AF Great Melenium Barbie Fighter 05/30/2020 Settimio Mordenti No
EP Miss Surprize Hang Ten Surprize Miss Baby Banjo 02/04/2020 Jac Point QH No
EP Roostyation Spatatino Peppy Little Jackie 05/22/2020 Emanuele Pagano No
EP Spooky Whiz Style Spooks Gotta Whiz Stylish Chip 03/01/2020 Emanuele Pagano No
Epic Katie MRW Epic Titan Whiz Ahollywood Lady 05/13/2020 Diane Graham No
Epic Star ARC Gunnabeabigstar Spooks Fancy Diamond 05/17/2020 Shirley Van De Watering No
ES Ebony Badger A Sparkling Vintage KC Zetchet 05/11/2020 Eva Stanislawczyk Yes
ES Play to Resolve Lil Joe Cash MA Genuinerevolution 05/21/2020 Eva Stanislawczyk No
ES Spat A Wimpys Spat Split And White Wimpys Lil Chic 05/18/2020 Massimiliano Ruggeri No
Ethen Hawk Gas AF Great Melenium Miss Broadway Queen 02/12/2020 Settimio Mordenti No
Exqwhizit Chic Olena Super Little Chic Exqwhizit Hoss 04/10/2020 Ursula Kurtz No
Eyez On Juice Smart Like Juice Miss Solve Lena 03/24/2020 Corrie Petter No
Fanciest Cash Lil Cash Gun Fancy My Sail 03/16/2020 Richard Or Melanie Zehetbauer No
FB Ragnarok RS Polyphemus Jac Cee Cee Smart 05/02/2020 Luigi Pastore Yes
FB Tosail Snow Electric Snow Topsail Del Cielo 05/21/2020 Francesco Bonadeo No
FD Gallochexnita Gallo Bueno Sailors Pretty Angel 03/23/2020 Antonio Fiorentino No
FD Topsail Dun It Hollywood Gun Dunnit Topsail Del Gallo 04/24/2020 Antonio Fiorentino No
FF What A Lil Wimp What A Wave Wind Her Up Right 04/15/2020 Frederika Forbes No
Fine Hollywhiz Ttown Hollywoodstinseltown KD Misswallawhiz 04/20/2020 Fien De Ronde Bresser No
Fine Magic Wave What A Wave Vandals Black Jinx 03/08/2020 Fien De Ronde Bresser No
Flame Crown Skeets Flamin Spanish Lady Luz 04/17/2020 Sea Horse SRL No
Flinn Gun In Like Flinn Natrasha Sailor Gun 05/24/2020 Alberto Amici No
Flor Shining Gun Colonels Shining Gun Shine On Ruff 07/07/2020 Codan NV No
FM Baileys Chocolate Dun It For Whizkey Chocolate Enterprise 05/28/2020 Marco Filimberti No
FM Masha Sailor Iam Sailors Brother Rosy Masha 03/27/2020 Fabio Merola No
FM Step Of Bro Iam Sailors Brother Touch Of Little Step 03/31/2020 Fabio Merola No
FM Voodoo Wimpy Shiners Voodoo Conqwhiztawimpy 02/23/2020 Roy Willemse No
FM Westcoast Bro Iam Sailors Brother Kissed By Westcoast 04/02/2020 Fabio Merola No
FM Whiz Me A Wave What A Wave Angel W Whiz 02/18/2020 Roy Willemse No
FNL Shiny For Myrose Colonels Shining Gun Chic Boogie Rose 04/25/2020 AZ. Agricola Martinelli Villiam No
Fogger Cash Lil Joe Cash Fogger Lady 03/07/2020 Alessandro Maioli No
Friz Whiz Chex Chexolution Sailor Whiz Ina 02/10/2020 Eyal Carmon No
Frostys Tinseltown Hollywoodstinseltown Ima Smart Little Fox 04/30/2020 Magnus Eriksson No
Frozen Crome SG Frozen Enterprize Nu Smokin Crome 05/06/2020 Martina Hable No
Frozen Gun Tari Colonels Shining Gun Frozen Tari 03/15/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Frozen My Whiz SG Frozen Enterprize Luga Whiz 02/23/2020 Carlo Sala No
Frozen Shining Style Whiz Shining Style Zag Candy Sailor 04/13/2020 Caracciolo/Lukacs No
Frozen Style Mr Whiz Shining Style Frozen Doc 05/11/2020 Matese Ranch No
Frozen Sven SG Frozen Enterprize Ladymaster 01/28/2020 Impresa Agricola Cuoghi No
Frozen Watermelon SG Frozen Enterprize Doll Sheza Whiz 03/17/2020 Chiara Vendramini No
Frozen Whizkey Dun It For Whizkey ALV Jac Little Gun 04/05/2020 Valon Krasniqi No
Frozenwingscanfly SG Frozen Enterprize Ms Gun Spook 03/12/2020 Lisa-Maria Mitterer No
FV Shine N Gun Shine Chic Shine Miss Cocked Gun 04/24/2020 FRANCESCO VASANELLA No
GA Great Wood Solano At Ale Wood Miss Jenny Solano 07/28/2020 Gulmo Agostino- Gianmarco Amato No
GAM Flash Step Whiz Sanita Whiz CS Peppy Little Step 04/30/2020 Az Agr Codazzi Enrica E Maroni SS No
GB Black Irish Rooster Nic Lil Smoky Girl 05/04/2020 Jo Corby No
GB Gin Two Nic ARC Think Of Walla GB QT Little Whiz 05/07/2020 Gregory Legrand No
GB Malibu Gunrise Colonels Shining Gun LC Electric Lady 05/17/2020 Gregory Legrand No
GB Mega Mojito Nic Rooster Nic Mainly Mega 05/24/2020 Gregory Legrand No
GB Shine Bluedy Mary Colonels Shining Gun AJ Dunnit Lady 04/19/2020 Gregory Legrand No
GC Spooks Maya Chex Spooks Gotta Whiz Hollywood Cali Chex 04/24/2020 Gina Cipolat No
GD Colonel Gun Whiz Colonels Shining Gun Thelma Whiz 05/07/2020 Domenico Giannitti No
GD Genuine Spark Spark N Whiz Sugar Judy Chex 03/28/2020 Domenico Giannitti No
GD Gold Magnum Magnum Chic Dream Little Gold Sailor 02/15/2020 Domenico Giannitti No
GD Holliwood Whiz My Showbiz Whiz Lullaby Of Melody 06/12/2020 Domenico Giannitti No
GD Jacs Smoking Gun Gunner Cutter Holiday Jacs 01/15/2020 Domenico Giannitti No
GD Miss Starjac Blue Spat A Blue Miss Peptos Jacky 04/24/2020 Domenico Giannitti No
GD Shining Star Colonels Shining Gun Gam Star Saily 05/29/2020 Azienda Agricola Dalla Piccola Giuliano No
GD Smart Gun Dunnit Pale Face Dunnit GH Smart Donna 04/03/2020 Domenico Giannitti No
GD Tino Sailor Olena Spatatino Sailor Peppy Candy 03/31/2020 Azienda Agricola Dalla Piccola Giuliano No
GD Voodoo Olena Shiners Voodoo Dr RS Iron Maiden Olena 02/11/2020 Domenico Giannitti No
Genuine Captainslide AB Captain Badger Im A Queen Diamonds 05/01/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Genuinely Oaks Oaks Lone Pepto Genuinely Snapper 01/09/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
GF Dun It For Angel Dun It For Whizkey Miss Ciot O Broadway 04/13/2020 GIORGIA FERRARI No
GF Whiz Double Face Pale Face Dunnit Gee Whiz Natalie 07/17/2020 GIORGIA FERRARI No
GH Donna Whiz Star Spangled Whiz Nu Chex Donna 02/08/2020 Giorgio Guida No
GH Made Sail In Like Flinn Mare Made 03/05/2020 Giorgio Guida Yes
GH Shining Out Colonels Shining Gun ARC Chic Me Out 05/01/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
GH Surpriseme Girl Surprise Enterprise Miss Topsail Girl 05/08/2020 Giorgio Guida No
GI Fancy Money Money Trail Fancy Little Step 04/30/2020 Caroline Channing No
GI Gotta Lotta Money Money Trail Girlz Gotta Gun 05/03/2020 Caroline Channing No
GI Yankee Shiner Yankee Gun Really Gotta Shine 05/08/2020 Caroline Channing No
Ginni Gun Gunner Dun It Again Im A Rusty Mercedes 05/21/2020 Jan Van Der Auwera No
Girls Dream Big Sailin On Dreams AC Whiz Cash N Gun 01/21/2020 David Roux No
Gloria Gunnit Again Gunner Dun It Again Gay Barnic Chic 04/12/2020 Matus Kuzma No
Glorious Gun Wimpys Little Step Mrs Gun Runner 03/16/2020 Norbert Nestelberger No
GM Flash Gunit Again Gunner Dun It Again Cookie Peppy Jac 04/12/2020 Anne-Catherine Thorel No
GM Katinsel Whizagun Hollywoodstinseltown JM Gun Walla Gun 04/13/2020 Anne-Catherine Thorel No
GM My Shining Pearl Colonels Shining Gun My Smokin Kick Deebar 06/07/2020 Giliam Van Der Straaten No
Goddess Calypso Shiners Voodoo Dr Harrys Gun 02/14/2020 Quarter Dream SRL Yes
Gold In O Gun LC Spat Lenas Gun Sailor Golda 05/28/2020 Dario Carmignani No
Good As Hell Inferno Sixty Six Dual Spirit 04/27/2020 Emma Villa No
Got Trashed In Maui Gunnatrashya Tivios Little Dun It 04/07/2020 Impresa Agricola Cuoghi Yes
Gotta Broad Whiz Whiz White Broad Mahogany 03/05/2020 Judith Vetter No
Gotta Dark Star Spooks Gotta Whiz ND Kyowa Star 05/31/2020 BO Ranch No
Gotta Nic The Gold Little Nic Golds Gotta Shine 05/02/2020 Lita Pocock No
Gotta Ruf I Am A Ruf Boy Buenonic Banjo 04/30/2020 Sabrina Voglberger No
Gotta Shiner On Ice SG Frozen Enterprize Gotta Shiney Whiz 05/12/2020 Annemanna AB No
Gotta White Whiz Whiz White Mia Dolce Vita 03/10/2020 Rolf Peterka No
Gotya Starstruck Smart N Sparkin Smart Whizzin Jenny 06/01/2020 Bo Brutsaert No
GP A Shot Of Jac BA Superjac Smart Shootin Spook 03/20/2020 Golden Paint Ranch No
GP Cashing It Lil Joe Cash Sugar Chics Dunnit 03/06/2020 Golden Paint Ranch No
GP Chainsmoker Whiz Wimpys Smoking Gun GP Pride Of CJ 05/02/2020 Golden Paint Ranch No
GP Frozen Ruf SG Frozen Enterprize Miss Dun It Ruf 05/20/2020 Golden Paint Ranch No
GP I Got You Babe Smart N Sparkin ND Winstar Jac 04/28/2020 Golden Paint Ranch No
GP Show It BA Superjac Smart CP Schow Girl 06/21/2020 Golden Paint Ranch No
GP Sparkin With Me Smart N Sparkin Tuckers Missy 06/13/2020 Golden Paint Ranch No
GP Sparkino Whiz Smart N Sparkin Whiz N Merida 05/18/2020 Golden Paint Ranch No
Grace Bo Sun EB Bingo Bo Sun ARC Girl Chic N Gold 03/04/2020 Elena Baldi No
Grace Kay Custom Made Gun Genuine Ruf Girl 04/15/2020 Claudia Scheunemann No
Grays Kelly Colonels Shining Gun Ollies Gray Mercedes 04/09/2020 Sebastian Eisler No
GS Eagle Eye Piccolo Spanish Topsail Cal Bar 04/15/2020 Sabatino QH Srl No
GS Gun Cash Lil Joe Cash Gun Flashy Whiz 05/28/2020 Sabatino QH Srl No
GS Magnum Chica Gun Magnum Chic Dream Very Best Gun 05/02/2020 Sabatino QH Srl No
GS Whizmobstar HF Mobster Whiz N Star 01/07/2020 Sabatino QH Srl No
GT Electric Gunners Tinseltown Elektra Dun It 05/11/2020 Roger Hyldmo No
Gucci Jewel Lil Smokeing Gun Whiz Gucci Lena 02/20/2020 Alice Marinoni No
Gun Chic Crome Gun Chic Nic Sweet Saturdaynight 04/16/2020 Alison Bucknell No
Gun Of The Sky Spooks Gotta Sting San Badger Lady Chex 04/09/2020 Diego Peruffo No
Gun Rose Enterprize SG Frozen Enterprize RH Smoking Late 04/19/2020 Giada Alí No
Gun Shining Me Out Colonels Shining Gun ARC Chic Me Out 05/05/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Gun Stop For You Ruff Gun Stop For Me 04/23/2020 Alain Giraud No
Gunmade Gunner Spinderellas Dream 02/01/2020 Isabeau Rohde No
Gunna Be A Coolstar ARC Gunnabeabigstar Lil Spring Diamond 05/08/2020 Joke Overbeek Fennema No
Gunna Be A Whizard ND Gun Sawyer Banjos Little Rose 03/25/2020 Brenda Reijtenbagh No
Gunna Be Honey ARC Gunna Sparkya ARC Honey Chick 03/22/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Gunna Be Trashtastic Tinseltownsmokingun Trash Surprise 05/11/2020 Matthias Gruber No
Gunna Burst By Luna ARC Gunna Sparkya The Great San Burst 03/21/2020 Istvan Horog No
Gunna Dream it Magnum With A Dream GVR Gunalicious 07/12/2020 Claudia Scheunemann No
Gunna Ice Princess Best Spook Gunnin In Hollywood 05/01/2020 Britta Groenemeyer No
Gunna Whiz Crome Walla Whiz Crome ARC Lendmeyourgun 02/15/2020 Marina Becker No
Gunnabeabigstep ARC Gunnabeabigstar Captain Step 04/13/2020 Sybille Spickenreuther No
Gunnabeabigwhiz ARC Gunnabeabigstar Ms Ruf Tuf Whiz 05/19/2020 Philip Van Den Broeck No
Gunnabeafox ARC Gunnabeabigstar Thelastmissolenashow 05/09/2020 Ambrosini Quarter Horses ASD No
Gunnabeagreatdude ARC Gunnabeabigstar Great Dudes Whiz 05/22/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Gunnabebumblebee ARC Gunnabeabigstar Piccola Great Roxy 02/08/2020 Costanza Biagini No
Gunnabeloved By You ARC Gunna Sparkya Marilyn Monwhoa 06/09/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Gunnadreamya Gunnatrashya My Dreams Gal 02/13/2020 Karin Machalek No
Gunnalabonita ARC Gunnabeabigstar FJ Flash Bonita 03/29/2020 George Wiedenhofer No
Gunnatrashya Yeah Gunnatrashya Ar Easy Jessie Whiz 04/26/2020 Annemanna AB No
Gunner Be Step Sugar Little Step Gunna Be Majestic 01/04/2020 Quarter Dream SRL Yes
Gunner Deja Vu Gunner Dun It Again Pistol Chic 03/22/2020 Melanie Straubmeier No
Gunner Whiz It Again Gunner Dun It Again Possums Deeanna Whiz 04/02/2020 Franziska Sophia Schrenk No
Gunnerdance Gunner Dance Little Spook 05/09/2020 Quarter Dream SRL Yes
Gunners In Like In Like Flinn GT Special Crystal 04/13/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Gunners Joe Lil Joe Cash Colonel Smokin Leigh 03/07/2020 Mona Dorr No
Gunners Lil Magnum Lil Magnum Gunners Fancy Face 03/26/2020 Ursula Kurtz No
Gunners Little Nic Little Nic Smoking Greyhound 05/17/2020 Louise McKnight No
Gunnerssparkychrome Gunnersshiningchrome Bobblessparkylady 05/19/2020 Lynda Revill No
Guns And Giggles Gunnerlicious Bright Barlight 04/05/2020 Joke Overbeek Fennema No
Guns N Rosies Lil Joe Cash Gunners Lissy 04/21/2020 Eliza Olach No
GZ Fly Like Flinn In Like Flinn Moorbuttons 04/25/2020 Giovanni Zucchi No
GZ Its A Dream Magnum Chic Dream Pioggia Dunit 05/03/2020 Giovanni Zucchi No
H Django Chain Gotta Gold Chain Lv Smart Peponita 03/18/2020 Wolfgang Hammer No
H Forrest Gun Lil Joe Cash Shine N Gun 04/16/2020 Wolfgang Hammer No
H Mercy Affair Mercedes Rooster A Trashy Affair 03/20/2020 Wolfgang Hammer No
HA Chic In The Snow Electric Snow HA One Flashy Chic 04/09/2020 Hillis Akin Family Partnership No
HA Electric Chic Electric Snow Chick Peas 03/08/2020 Hillis Akin Family Partnership No
Hailey Whizgun Again Gunner Dun It Again Bet Ya Im A Topgirl 05/16/2020 Laura Peultier No
Hang On Dawn Hangten Shiner Double R Jewel 05/26/2020 Dawn Heaton Yes
Hangten Clyde VZ Hangten Shiner Fair Little Playgirl 05/30/2020 Lot Van Zwol No
Hazzard For Whizkey Dun It For Whizkey TD Enterprise Frozen 06/17/2020 Giulia Mandaletti No
He Got A Game ARC Lone Pine Dun It Arc Sweet Oak Chic 05/10/2020 Gildo Mercuri No
Hell In The Woods Mr Inferno Sixty Six Topsail Hollywood 03/20/2020 Matese Ranch No
Hellboy Sixty Six Inferno Sixty Six MS Emely Rietta 04/01/2020 Sandra Krippner No
Hesa Smart Shining Colonels Shining Gun Sail On Chickita 06/17/2020 BO Ranch No
Hesa Sugar Whiz Hesa Mega Whiz Viola Dun It Sugar 04/09/2020 Dario Carmignani No
Heza Charm Heza Gunner Whiz And Charm 04/03/2020 GRC Horses No
Heza Mify Enterprise Mifillenium Hope And Surprise 05/25/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
HEZA RED ARIEL Heza Gunner VBREDSPIRITOFSNAPPER 01/01/2020 Francesco Marchegiani No
HF Frozen HF Mobster Frozen Shania 06/11/2020 Piergiuseppe Guidetti No
HH Be In Your Heart Oaks Star Gunner KR Happy Hour 06/20/2020 Blanka Dolezalova No
Hickory Holly Lenas Hickory Holly Time Lenas Little Tangy 04/28/2020 Angelo Ferrario No
High Bid For Me PC Wimpys High Bid PC Great For Me 05/09/2020 Soc Agr Pietracavalla SRL No
Hit The Road Chex Smooth Move Chex Playin For Big Chex 04/17/2020 Heidi Wallner No
Hittin The Brakes Spooks Gotta Whiz Wimpys Lil Diva 04/25/2020 Karin Machalek No
Holly Cash Dun It SV Lil Joe Cash Dun It for Shine 05/08/2020 Jean-Paul Tetard No
Hollys Spark N Pep Hollys Electricspark Miss Leona San Pep 04/10/2020 Diana Ewald No
Hollystinseltown Gunners Tinseltown Hollys Final Spark 03/01/2020 TP-RANCH No
Hollywood Gun Ms Gunner Dun It Again ND Suave Whiz 03/16/2020 Sarah Suechting No
Hollywood Gunz Up Yankee Gun Haidaz 05/29/2020 Barbara Bracci No
Hollywood Snappergun Hollywood Gun Dunnit Cpr Bar Chex 04/11/2020 Christof Valtl No
Hollywoodscodytown Hollywoodstinseltown Arcletic BH Freckles 02/26/2020 Sybille Spickenreuther No
Hope N Diamonds Whiz Whizkey N Diamonds Smocky Zan 04/06/2020 Anthony Cianci No
HPB Chic N Licious Gunnerlicious Ms Happy Freckles 02/16/2020 Jeremy Lorentz No
HR STEPPIN ON SKATER Steppin On Sparks Ruf Lil Skater 05/10/2020 Michael Ackermann No
Hurricane BS Spatatino Sweet Tabasco 05/22/2020 Benedetta Sorvillo No
HV Smart Little Wave What A Wave Hollywoods Smart Gal 05/24/2020 Veronique Helsen No
I Am Gunna Be Smart ARC Gunnabeabigstar Snazzy Flo 04/11/2020 Georg Peter No
I Am Jojolicious Colonels Shining Gun Stop Spookin 03/01/2020 Patricia Escoda No
I Am Spat N Ruf I Am A Ruf Boy Siri Spatondiamond 05/17/2020 Sabrina Voglberger No
I Am The Chosen One Frozen Sailor Jessie Oak Tari 03/20/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
I Dont Miss Coronas Dont Miss My Guns Jacs Little Columbia 03/21/2020 David Roux No
IA Magnetic Jac Chic Magnetic Dry Mama 05/02/2020 Iannone QH Di Di Quirico Paola No
Iam A Gangster Iam Sailors Brother Eva Peppy Deck 02/03/2020 Alberto L'Abbate No
Iamnotthatkindofgirl Colonels Shining Gun Conquistadors Pearl 04/29/2020 Ricky Bordignon No
Ice Diamond Sunburst Great Sun Burst Gunna B Dee One 03/27/2020 23 Quarter Horses SRL No
Ice Ina Diamond Whiz Icenauer ARC Diamonds Whiz 01/26/2020 Sabino Fasanelli No
Ice Solution SG Frozen Enterprize Red Pie Solution 03/30/2020 Christian Baldelli No
Iceman Olaf SG Frozen Enterprize Tivios Little Dun It 02/16/2020 Impresa Agricola Cuoghi No
Icepaint JJ SG Frozen Enterprize JJ Jess 06/16/2020 George Wiedenhofer No
Icewoman SG Frozen Enterprize Parkin Crome 02/19/2020 Gestut LQH No
Icy Spooks SG Frozen Enterprize Spooks Midnight 02/18/2020 Francesco Mazza No
Ikor Shining Star Colonels Shining Gun Arc Pleasedtoceeu 01/06/2020 Marco Pettinari No
Il Professore Ruf 76 Not Ruf At All RS Countach Olena 06/22/2020 Alfredo Di Caro No
Im Sexyhollywoods PC Hollywoodstinseltown Im Sexy Chexy 04/09/2020 Soc Agr Pietracavalla SRL No
Ima Charming Whiz Tari Whizin Kr Ima Tejon 05/16/2020 Sabine Lisec Yes
Ima Smart Mobster HF Mobster Smart Collen 05/31/2020 Christian Weidlich No
Imagunfullofchex MR ARC Gunna Sparkya Imasmartfullofchex 02/04/2020 Matese Ranch No
In Gun We Trust One Gun Cn Mifi Bambina 04/28/2020 Emanuele Varale No
In The Name Of Luve Colonels Shining Gun Bms Texas Lightning 03/02/2020 Claudia Scheunemann No
Infernos Cocktail Inferno Sixty Six Robys Neadsacocktail 04/22/2020 Igor Rozman No
It Is Corona Sailin Ruf Wimpy Little Hawks 04/15/2020 Giovanni Cioli No
Ivegottabenzelicious Gunnerlicious Ive Gotta Mercedes 04/18/2020 Sandra Wils No
Jack On Spark Steppin On Sparks SS Tinsel Super Star 05/09/2020 Marco Ronchetto No
Jackie Brown Shine Ricochet Rooster Kabootles Black Oak 05/05/2020 Carola Fiorini No
Jackpotintinseltown Tinseltownsmokingun Golden Dry Creek 04/27/2020 Elisabeth Kunz No
Jag Custom Iceman SG Frozen Enterprize Custom Whizleen 05/26/2020 Aude Gruber No
Jag Diamonds So Chic Whizkey N Diamonds PM Jazz Olena 05/26/2020 Aude Gruber No
Jas Iceman SG Frozen Enterprize Gloo Dry Lena 05/16/2020 Jas Horses No
Jas Magnetic Olena Chic Magnetic AR Boneta Jacson Sun 05/03/2020 Jas Horses No
Jas Mega Moon In Like Flinn GFC Okie Doc 05/07/2020 Jas Horses No
Jas Smart Honey Shiners Voodoo Chickin Jeweleena 04/26/2020 Jas Horses No
Jas Snow Slide Electric Snow Minnie Slide 03/09/2020 Jas Horses No
Jessy Gotta Whiz Spooks Gotta Whiz Jessies Lil Dreamer 04/17/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Jester Electric Snow Electric Snow Jester Trilly 04/06/2020 Ursula Kurtz No
JG Mizzen Chic Dream Magnum Chic Dream Westcoast Mizzen 06/02/2020 Jose Gutierrez No
JJ Alilloveneverhurt Lil Joe Cash Spool Pop Chex 05/10/2020 J&J Comm V No
JJ Born To Shine Colonels Shining Gun Tinsel Rey 04/19/2020 J&J Comm V No
JJ Dream Big Magnum Chic Dream Chic Of Florence 05/20/2020 J&J Comm V No
JJ Glitter And Shine Colonels Shining Gun Lil Trouble Miss 04/30/2020 J&J Comm V No
JJ Machine Gun Colonels Shining Gun Sailin Smartin 02/29/2020 J&J Comm V No
JJ Magnum Dunit Chic Magnum Chic Dream SL Dunit Butterfly 04/15/2020 J&J Comm V No
JJ Miracles Happen Ricochet Rooster Docs Remi Nick 03/03/2020 J&J Comm V No
JJ U Whiz U Were Me Whiz N Tag Chex Tinseltown Wheel FB 05/02/2020 J&J Comm V No
Jlittlesunshine Mister Little Uno Minny Bo Sun 05/19/2020 Filippo Masi No
Jojos Magic Gun Colonels Shining Gun SB Haidas Princess 06/11/2020 Eva Potocnik No
Josefina Play Smart Lil Smokeing Gun Margarita Boonsmal 05/23/2020 Riccardo Abati No
Josefine Colonels Shining Gun Revolution Chex 05/08/2020 Christina Gruber No
JP Nice To Meet Ya Gotta Gold Chain Justa Twisted Gun 02/12/2020 Jac Point QH No
JP Thunderball Shine Gotta Gold Chain JP Skyfall Shine 02/08/2020 Jac Point QH No
JS Pretty Angelina Lil Joe Cash CT Bueno Candy Nic 04/12/2020 Jure Struna No
Just Inferno N Dunit Inferno Sixty Six Just Miss Peppydunit 02/03/2020 Evelien Geerlof No
Just Too Bad EB Bingo Bo Sun Cal Me Olena 02/28/2020 Elena Baldi No
Justcandyintinsltown Hollywoodstinseltown Candy For Tejon 04/04/2020 Evelien Geerlof No
Justice Revenge SDP Justice Is Comin Miss Bonny Olena 03/25/2020 Renzo Canciani No
JUSTICE S DONE SDP Justice Is Comin BINGO BAR LENA 04/22/2020 Alberto L'Abbate No
Kaique Holly Blue Spat A Blue Dun It On Chex 06/03/2020 Maria Scafidi No
Kam Pompi Gun Bright Like Adiamond Kam Blossom Lena 05/20/2020 Peter Simek No
Kam Shinning Pomelo Bright Like Adiamond Kam Archery Shining 05/09/2020 Peter Simek No
KB The Joker Colonels Shining Gun Pumpkin Rooster 04/01/2020 Bo Brutsaert No
KB Victoria Whiz CJ Whiz Lil Ruf Wimpy 04/24/2020 Bo Brutsaert No
KC Smartwhiz Resolve Zins Smart Whiz April Sun Burst 05/11/2020 Luca Cocola No
King Gunna Frozen Gunnatrashya Heidi Sailor 01/25/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
KIT GUN DUNNIT Hollywood Gun Dunnit Great Kitty Dually 05/31/2020 Francesco Marchegiani No
Kitas Gunna Dreamer Kitas Spark Sweet Lil Gun 05/29/2020 Andrea Guzzo No
Kitas Revolution Mr Kitas Spark Patties Revolution 03/22/2020 Matese Ranch No
Kitas Topstar Mr Kitas Spark Wimpy Custom Topstar 03/19/2020 Matese Ranch No
KN Deep Sailor Okie Dun Badger KN Chic N Sailor 05/16/2020 KN Reining Resort SS No
KN Mega Taco Hesa Mega Whiz KN Miss Skeet Badger 05/04/2020 Andrea Castrucci No
KN Skeets Dark Skeets Dun Bragalina Classic 04/07/2020 Andrea Castrucci No
Knockin On Ice SG Frozen Enterprize San July Jo Magnetic 03/27/2020 Impresa Agricola Cuoghi No
KS Great Nic Frost Rooster Nic Einstar 05/11/2020 Mathis Muller No
KYA In Wrangler ARC Gunna Sparkya Wrangler Dun So Good 06/22/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Lady Shiny Olena Rum Olena Ariel Slide 01/06/2020 Sofia Rovatti No
Lagertha Hickory Rickory Rooster Nikita Puro 05/22/2020 Antonino Cancellieri No
Last Blood CT Yankee Gun Tobiana Surprise 05/28/2020 Christelle Lopez No
Late Night Gossip Late Night Stopper Puro Missy Blair 06/30/2020 Tiffany Gal No
LB Hehz Dirty Diana Heza Gunner Oaky Wins Pine 05/19/2020 Lucia Bergero No
LD Innamoramento Colonels Shining Gun Ba Bet Ya Im Smart 04/23/2020 Dominique Lupsin No
LD Magic Voodoo Shiners Voodoo Sheza Royal Whiz 04/23/2020 Dominique Lupsin No
Leave Me Dun It At Ale Wood Leavem Smokin 04/04/2020 Caracciolo/Lukacs No
Legendary Gun Gunner Dun It Again Starshine Whiz 03/26/2020 Heidi Wallner No
Lena Is Comin Mr SDP Justice Is Comin Little Peppy Lena KR 03/16/2020 Matese Ranch No
Lenas Frozen Gun Hollywood Gun Dunnit Frozen Sparn 06/07/2020 Allevamento Cisal Quarter Horses Srl No
Leo Da Vintage A Sparkling Vintage Miss Tiffany Chic 06/06/2020 Ulrike Johade No
Let Me Be Your Wimpy Wimpy Margarita Let Dry Peppy 03/25/2020 Maurizio Ferrarol No
LG Big Devil Spark N Whiz Big Mastermoon 05/08/2020 Giada Alí No
LG Frozen Applejuice Spark N Whiz Terrific Sailor 05/18/2020 Giada Alí No
Lgladyseilorgun Hollywood Gun Dunnit Black Oak Acorn Mr 03/21/2020 Avigliano Vito No
Lgmisgretawoodsocano At Ale Wood Slide Scira 03/11/2020 Avigliano Vito No
LH Whatashineywave What A Wave HQ Solem Lee Mine 04/24/2020 Kevin Quint No
Lil Assets Gun PC Lil Smokeing Gun Assets Catalena 04/16/2020 Soc Agr Pietracavalla SRL No
Lil Delta Cash Lil Joe Cash MC Penelope Deltas 06/19/2020 Marco Cremaschi No
Lil Frozen Sunrise Lil Joe Cash Frozen Sunrise 04/25/2020 Roberto Prevosti No
Lil Gun N Rose Lil Joe Cash Miss Gun N Rose 04/17/2020 Carlo Sala No
Lil Kris Sunburst Great Sun Burst Lil Whiz Chic 03/30/2020 Laura Signo No
Lil Light Of Hope Lil Smokeing Gun Chinese Rooster 04/24/2020 Ludmila Poliachova No
Lil Qpido Lil Joe Cash Mss Quixote Jocie Bb 04/26/2020 Julie Foquet No
Lil Sparkling Dunit A Sparkling Vintage Lil Ruf Dun It 04/14/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Lil Sugar Daddy Gunners Last Oak Ah Sugar Sugar 04/30/2020 Marion Lang No
Lilla Shining Chic Colonels Shining Gun Remin Lilly Whiz 04/27/2020 Tullio Mascarello No
Lilly Dreamer Walla Walla Whiz Jessies Lil Dreamer 05/13/2020 Edoardo Bernardelli No
Lily Cashwhiz Lil Joe Cash Ms Twist Whiz 05/08/2020 Cirincione Paolo No
Lime Gotta Whiz Spooks Gotta Whiz ARC Yellow N Lime 04/04/2020 Andreu Nogue Puig Yes
Little Gunna Spark Gunnatrashya Shining Little Angel 05/11/2020 Ambrosini Quarter Horses ASD No
Little Shining Chic Sharp Dressed Shiner Lil Steppin Chic 05/17/2020 Marco Klumb No
LL Somethingroyal Colonels Shining Gun Magnum Chic N Chex 01/06/2020 Lara Lorengo No
LL Straight To Hell Inferno Sixty Six LN Tari Sailor 03/15/2020 Martin Duemmel No
LMT Shining Dun Colonels Shining Gun All Sweetness Dun 04/28/2020 Cristian Vegro No
Lockdown Blues JS Spat A Blue Million Dollar Pippa 04/02/2020 Amber Heidbuchel No
Lolas Whiz To Shine Colonels Shining Gun Don Quintanas Whiz 06/04/2020 Kristel Wauters No
Lotti Gotta Letti Spooks Gotta Whiz Lotti Vom Letter Berg 01/18/2020 Monika Peterka No
LOV N PLAYWITHSTING Spooks Gotta Sting ARC Play For Fun 04/25/2020 Carlo Lovisetto No
LOV SPOOKSGOTTA LENA Spooks Gotta Sting SB Ritzy Lena San 04/04/2020 Carlo Lovisetto No
Lovely Chex Chexolution Docs Star Benz 04/16/2020 Eyal Carmon No
LR Touch Of Jaga Yellow Jersey Shining W Whiz 06/18/2020 Valerie Metens No
LS Berry Gotta Whiz Spooks Gotta Whiz Hollywood Greatberry 05/25/2020 Impr Agr La Selvetta No
Luke Gunnabeakiller ARC Gunnabeabigstar CQH Larkin Hickory 04/29/2020 Laura Peultier No
LV Kea Chex Whiz In Like Flinn Kea Chex 02/17/2020 Petr Julina No
LV Tinseltown Nic Hollywoodstinseltown Nic Sailor 03/28/2020 Petr Julina No
LV Tinseltown Peppy Hollywoodstinseltown Ying Yang Peppy 05/11/2020 Petr Julina No
LVR Chic Whiz Crome Walla Whiz Crome LVR Colonels Chic 05/11/2020 Linda Verstappen No
LVR Golden Tinsel Colonels Shining Gun LVR Sparkly Tinsel 04/04/2020 Linda Verstappen No
LVR Hollywood Doll Hollywood Gun Dunnit Shine N Supreme 04/14/2020 Linda Verstappen No
LVR Shine Like Flinn In Like Flinn Juana Sparkle 05/14/2020 Linda Verstappen No
LVR Sparkya Day ARC Gunna Sparkya LVR Colonels Chic 04/15/2020 Linda Verstappen No
Made For Whiz Zins Smart Whiz Madeon Sunburst 02/03/2020 Alessia Simoncini No
Made In Italia SG Frozen Enterprize Spat Chic Olena 03/10/2020 ELC Performance Horses LLC Yes
Mag N Shiner Magnum Chic Dream Wimpys Lil Shiner 02/21/2020 Petra Burger No
Magnetic 246 Chic Magnetic Sexy Peponita 04/26/2020 Piero Priori No
Magnetic Electric Steppin On Sparks Lady Magnebellum 03/29/2020 Lucy Adams No
Magnetically Chic Magnetic Buenonics Doughter 04/29/2020 Giuseppe Prevosti No
Magnum Attitude Magnum Chic Dream Tatonka Smart 04/30/2020 Claes Linner Yes
Magnum Flashy Whiz Walla Whiz Crome Magnum Flashy Jac 04/18/2020 Thomas Moll No
Magnums Shining Chic Magnum Chic Dream Miss Keyhole Cowboy 04/20/2020 Madeleine Eskilsson No
Major Roost Sailor Chic N Roost Frozen Genuine 03/30/2020 Andrea Castrucci No
MAQ Ivory Pearl Pale Face Dunnit Spooks Pearl 04/04/2020 La Maqueline No
Maracuia Dancer Gun Dr Devil Blue Dancer Perfect Cinderella 01/03/2020 Marco Carminati No
Marilyn Shinygirl BB Colonels Shining Gun Wimpys Pearl 04/27/2020 Eifel Gold Ranch Baeck No
Marry Go Round Hang Ten And Shine TI Lena Twist 04/07/2020 David Young No
Maryolyn Chic Dream Magnum Chic Dream Maryolyn Hancock 05/14/2020 Marta Paladini No
Master Cassidy Master Snapper Broadmoor Cassie 02/16/2020 Impresa Agricola Cuoghi No
Mayninespecialnight Gunners Special Nite Sweet Chic Surprise 05/09/2020 Ottavio Tonon No
MB Crome Your Face Pale Face Dunnit Custom Sanita 04/11/2020 Marco Boggeri No
MB Custom My Whiz SL Custom Rooster Hollywhiz Diva 04/09/2020 Melanie Bizet No
MB Electric Snowwhiz Electric Snow Pines Nifty Whiz 04/24/2020 Melanie Bizet No
MB Spattaridocs Oak Spat A Blue Sailor Tari 06/01/2020 Melanie Bizet No
MB Whizsubmachinegun Lil Smokeing Gun Miss Little Whiz 03/26/2020 Melanie Bizet No
Mbgottafreezingstyle Dun It Gotta Gun ARC Freezing Chic 04/04/2020 Melanie Bizet No
MBN Electric Icy SG Frozen Enterprize Holly Electric 04/06/2020 Mirko Piazzi No
MBN Spooks Gotta Cee Spooks Gotta Whiz ARC Who Do You Cee 05/19/2020 MBN SRL No
MD Jack Gunster Colonels Shining Gun Sgjacrooster 01/06/2020 Quarter Dream SRL No
MDH Gunna Spat Again Gunner Dun It Again RS Snow White Olena 03/30/2020 Marie Hermal No
MDH Ice Nite Frozen SG Frozen Enterprize Special Skillz 06/04/2020 Marie Hermal No
MDH Snap In Town Piccolo Spanish Shinin In Tinseltown 06/01/2020 Marie Hermal No
MF Last Buckaroo Shortys Buck A Roo ML Glorious In Blue 04/02/2020 Moreno Furlan No
MF Sparkerina My Hea Kitas Spark Okie My Heart 07/20/2020 Fabio Alfonsetti No
MG Lil Diamond Lil Smokeing Gun Dottoressa 04/05/2020 Fanny Ubaldi No
MH Rosy Shining Gun Hollywood Gun Dunnit LJ Shining McJackie 05/20/2020 Marcello Maritano No
MH Sparklingsurprise Wimpy Step Surprise Whiz N Shea 03/04/2020 Massimo Villa No
Mi Chico Latino AV Spatatino RZ Magnetic Rita 05/13/2020 Alex Volcan No
Mify Spooks Olena Mifillenium Sm Spooks With Sparks 01/27/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Milkface John Gun Pale Face Dunnit Coffee Whiz Milk Tb 01/26/2020 Simone Darga-Cavallini No
Millenium Monwhoa Mifillenium Marilyn Monwhoa 05/04/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Millenium Rooster Mifillenium Capitana N Glo 03/11/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Milleniumsmoking Gun Mifillenium Abby Gun 01/29/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Million Dollar Dunit Spooks Gotta Whiz Tivios Little Dun It 04/26/2020 Impresa Agricola Cuoghi No
Mis Gunner Pixy GFC Quixote Gun Pixy Bar Lena 05/17/2020 Stefano Ianiero No
Miss Electra Hollys Electricspark Mischief Revelation 04/11/2020 Susa Sauer No
Miss Electric Blues Mr Electric Spark Blues At The Bar 03/01/2020 Edith Zenouda No
Miss Frozen Tori SG Frozen Enterprize Miss Kid Tori 04/21/2020 Carlo Della Valle No
Miss Gun n Hollywood Hollywood Gun Dunnit Miss Captain Winner 05/15/2020 Di Gregorio Dino No
Miss Honey Chic Chic Magnetic Penny Lydiah Two 03/27/2020 Marianna Morreale No
Miss Shining Snow Colonels Shining Gun Pretty Chex To Cash 03/28/2020 Lynn De Ras No
Miss Smoking Lil Smokeing Gun Miss Shining Rooster 04/25/2020 Emanuele Varale No
Miss Tsunami What A Wave Smart Whizzy 03/20/2020 Pavel Slabik No
Miss Wimpy Surprise Wimpy Crashed Ice Bibiana Surprise 05/06/2020 Simon Bilger No
Mister Jerseytown Yellow Jersey SL Miss Tinseltown 02/21/2020 Sabrina Ludwig No
Mizzen The Chics Hang Ten And Shine A Berry Smart Chic 03/09/2020 David Young No
MJ Need Gold and Cash Gotta Gold Chain TINSELCASH X PEPPER 03/28/2020 Jessica Barth No
MJ Spookwork Spooks Gotta Whiz Ruf Lika Footwork 04/17/2020 Jessica Barth No
ML Wanda Shining Gun Colonels Shining Gun ML Surprise Jac 04/04/2020 ML Quarter Horse No
MM Frozen Thyme SG Frozen Enterprize Parsley Thyme 02/12/2020 Maruša Kuncic No
MM Magicians Guns Guns Investment NCS Tari Surprise 01/03/2020 Grazia Ruggieri No
MM Miss Shining Gun Colonels Shining Gun Rawhide Ransom 03/27/2020 Katerina Lill No
MM Shining For Me Colonels Shining Gun Am Dual for Dun It 02/01/2020 23 Quarter Horses SRL No
Mobsternic HF Mobster Shine Like A Boom 04/11/2020 Quarter Dream SRL Yes
Modern Jewel Modern Gun Pine Finest Jewel 05/19/2020 Claudia Scheunemann No
Money Cant Buy Love Tinker With Guns Barena Bonds Badger 06/14/2020 Simon Bilger Yes
Monster N Revolution Magnum Chic Dream Revolutionary Affair 02/17/2020 Sonja Muendl No
Morgana Surprise Me Kidding Chicory PC Jinlin for Me 05/12/2020 Denise Barone No
Mp Maximino Blue Maximum Overhang Easy Magnetic 05/10/2020 Mattia Piras No
Mr Archie ARC Gunna Sparkya Boogie Woogie Time 04/28/2020 Società Agricola San Famiano SS No
Mr Feo Snap RS Great Jac Feona Go Go Snap Olena CA 05/10/2020 Roberto Prevosti No
Mr Gun For Fun Colonels Shining Gun Miss Docata Jac 04/15/2020 Fritz Mittmannsgruber No
Mr Jo Colonels Shining Gun Whowhizthispeppychic 03/27/2020 Kim Windey Yes
Mr Smooth Frenchkiss Yellow Jersey Star Spangled Gun 05/15/2020 Marinne Benaïs No
MR Walla Walla Walla Walla Whiz Miss Icy Cookie 04/02/2020 Emanuela Stefani No
Mr Woppit Olena Jackie Whizzle For Money 04/27/2020 GRC Horses No
MS Not For Sale Colonels Shining Gun Whiz a Blue 05/01/2020 CHIARA COLOMBI Yes
MS Thomas Magnum Pi Magnum Chic Dream Whiz a Blue 09/05/2020 CHIARA COLOMBI Yes
Mswhatagreatthunder What A Wave RS Pina Colada Jac 04/18/2020 Stefan Moser No
MT Jo Frosty SG Frozen Enterprize GP Jacolena Jolie 04/13/2020 Imelda Maertens No
MT Voodoos Lisa Shiners Voodoo Dr Soft Beau Sparkle 05/05/2020 Imelda Maertens No
MT Wimpys Brightstar Wimpys Smoking Gun Okies Eldorado 06/05/2020 Imelda Maertens No
My Bay Chex Mucho Chex To Cash Jakie Zip Chex 05/17/2020 Lucio Ferrarini No
My Frozen Gun Lil Smokeing Gun Smart Leota 04/14/2020 Fabi Cestari No
Mybodyismyrevolution Start A Revolution My Body Is My Gun 03/12/2020 Isabeau Rohde No
Mytexas Lone Ranger DC Masterspecialnite CC Chica Whiz 03/29/2020 Stéphanie Benetiere Yes
N Midnight Shine Spat Split And White Sparklin Master 05/05/2020 Lars Nebel No
ND Gunnatrash Ice SG Frozen Enterprize Gunnatrashya Dunit 01/23/2020 Nathalie Derua No
ND Hang On Style Pale Face Dunnit Hang On Sugar 04/20/2020 Nathalie Derua No
ND Miss Walla Crome Walla Whiz Crome ND Miss Sailor Jac 05/04/2020 Nathalie Derua No
ND Pale Face Style Pale Face Dunnit Lil Juicy Fruit 04/10/2020 Nathalie Derua No
ND Smart N Pop Smart N Sparkin Pudding Pop 04/27/2020 Nathalie Derua No
ND Spookstyle Spooks Gotta Whiz Lil Ruf Cee Blair 03/06/2020 Nathalie Derua No
ND Step N Crome Walla Whiz Crome Dun Step N Out 04/02/2020 Nathalie Derua No
ND The Night King Late Night Stopper Queen Of Guns 04/16/2020 Nathalie Derua No
Neverending Peppy Elvis Peppy Taco Fantasy Bo Sun 05/01/2020 Alberto L'Abbate No
No Guns At Night Heza Slidingunner Saturdaynight Storm 05/21/2020 Michaela Kogler No
No Guns At The Bar Shine My Gun No Sass At The Bar 05/09/2020 Gestut LQH No
No Mobster Spooks HF Mobster JP Buena Whizta 05/20/2020 Denise Lutgens No
No Prize Only Magic Prize Rooster Snappy My Magic 03/24/2020 Andrea Parolari No
No Rich No Fun Colonels Shining Gun No Risk No Fun 03/26/2020 Paulina Lesniak No
No Trash In My Genes Sugar Little Step Gay Jays Little Step 01/19/2020 Angelika Gebert No
Nu Smokin Oaks Gunners Last Oak Jacs Lady Tamulena 04/18/2020 Sabrina Fritz No
Oh Cay Eastercat Oh Cay Mc Snappers Victoria 04/12/2020 Markus Schopfer No
Oh My Gosh Colonels Shining Gun Okeo Electric Spark 06/18/2020 Davide Brighenti No
Okie Done Surprise Okie Dun Badger Ares Cody Glo 04/29/2020 Dario Carmignani No
OL Im Peppy Jac LMC Im Topsail Dunit Nz Cal San 05/19/2020 Luca Ottaviani No
Oliviaisborntoshine Colonels Shining Gun Custom Regina 02/29/2020 Guido Gandelli No
One Gun Star Is Born One Gun Babydoll Deltas Jac 05/30/2020 Mariannick Domont-Perret No
One Hundred Herbs Gun Snappy Gun Surprise Sweet Gold Tempest 04/12/2020 Alice Clò No
One Like Flinn In Like Flinn Lena De Niro 04/20/2020 Igor Rozman No
One Tough Lover A Sparkling Vintage One Snippy Chex 04/04/2020 Susanne Feiertag No
Ordinary Mag Magnum Chic Dream Buenonics Doughter 04/06/2020 Giuseppe Prevosti No
OT Shining Wish Colonels Shining Gun OT Taris Wish Miss 05/11/2020 Appaloosa S R L No
OT Whiz To Fire Spooks Gotta Whiz OT Spark To Fire 05/15/2020 Appaloosa S R L No
Paint My Wave What A Wave Wimpy Special Gun 03/01/2020 Catharina Smetsers No
Pale Jokin Face Pale Face Dunnit Jokin Peppy 01/26/2020 Cecilia Frediani No
Palermo Red Zone 76 Lil Joe Cash RS Lusy Miss Jack 05/04/2020 Alfredo Di Caro No
Paradise Ninety Nine Inferno Sixty Six RS Athena Jac 05/13/2020 Caracciolo/Lukacs No
PC Frozen Step Dream PC Magnum Step Dream Frozen Tabacchina 03/19/2020 Az Agr Cortesi Piero No
PC Italian Dream PC Magnum Step Dream Lil Matt Dun It 02/10/2020 Az Agr Cortesi Piero No
PC Shining Rooster Colonels Shining Gun PC Galina Rooster 04/20/2020 Az Agr Cortesi Piero No
Peek A Wave What A Wave Peekasi Cielo 05/12/2020 Oskar Dyas No
Pending 650158 Dont Miss My Guns Whiz Doll Pine 02/28/2020 David Roux No
Pending 650336 Dont Miss My Guns Smart Little Ruf 02/29/2020 David Roux No
Pending 650691 Chic Magnetic LF Docrose Red 03/19/2020 Andrea Guzzo No
Pending 650712 Smoking Kills Steps Pride And Joy 01/01/2020 Sonny Vries No
Pending 650829 Spooks Gotta Whiz Miss Ruby Jane 03/16/2020 Piero Priori No
Pending 650908 Gunners Special Nite Ot Taris Holly 03/16/2020 Appaloosa S R L No
Pending 650909 Spatatino OT Taris Honey Bunny 03/27/2020 Appaloosa S R L No
Pending 650923 Steppin On Sparks Heavenly Who 05/02/2020 Appaloosa S R L No
Pending 650926 OT Jacs On The Moon Sir Jacs Surprise 05/16/2020 Appaloosa S R L No
Pending 650927 OT Jacs On The Moon Great Tune 05/17/2020 Appaloosa S R L No
Pending 650950 Lil Joe Cash Sailors Delite 05/02/2020 Soldo Serafino No
Pending 650993 Shiners Voodoo Dr Roosters Maita 05/08/2020 Werner Filler No
Pending 651045 Spat Olena Light Real Sonita 03/03/2020 Rossano Pitardi No
Pending 651188 Lil Joe Cash Hollywood Baby Dunit 05/04/2020 Wolfgang Hammer No
Pending 651340 Heza Gunner Ricochet Dun 04/03/2020 Andrea Osella No
Pending 651341 Spooks Gotta Sting enterprise wheel 04/28/2020 Andrea Osella No
Pending 651545 Quiet Whiz Pretty Little Steps 03/02/2020 Jana Flokova No
Pending 651549 Chic Magnetic Lady Little Pine 05/13/2020 AZ. Agricola Martinelli Villiam No
Pending 651592 Smart N Sparkin RX Hollywood Affair 04/28/2020 Anne Grether No
Pending 651604 Wimpys Little Tejano Miss Tari Glo Heart 04/18/2020 Dennis Tsin No
Pending 651776 Tarysmart Smart Tweetie 04/16/2020 Helmut Schulz No
Pending 651777 Smartin orimas Joanna 03/31/2020 Helmut Schulz No
Pending 651779 Smartin Jacflame 03/26/2020 Helmut Schulz No
Pending 651780 Tarysmart Hs Smartessa 03/16/2020 Helmut Schulz No
Pending 651782 Tarysmart Smart Obsession 04/25/2020 Helmut Schulz No
Pending 651783 Spooks Gotta Sun Orimas Heartbeat 05/19/2020 Helmut Schulz No
Pending 651794 Dont Miss My Guns DP Nicatrash 04/10/2020 David Roux No
Pending 651795 Sailin On Dreams DC Chica Spark Olena 03/16/2020 David Roux No
Pending 651808 Lil Smokeing Gun MRH Doctor N Lynx 03/22/2020 BH Farm No
Pending 651810 Gunnatrashya Miss Little Lina 04/16/2020 BH Farm No
Pending 651812 Inferno Sixty Six Nuredskinspat Delmas 04/01/2020 BH Farm No
Pending 651813 Dun It For Whizkey Capitano Mattolina 03/20/2020 BH Farm No
Pending 651841 Whizkey N Diamonds NUS Dirty Angel 04/20/2020 Heinz-Ulrich Boellert No
Pending 651892 Spat Split And White Little Sailor Shea 04/24/2020 Massimiliano Ruggeri No
Pending 651895 A Sparkling Vintage Juicy Doll 04/11/2020 Kathrin Bruemmer No
Pending 651900 Lil Joe Cash Whizy Chex 04/27/2020 Christian Romani No
Pending 651953 Shine Chic Shine ND Kiara Pop A Whiz 05/07/2020 Dino Micheletto No
Pending 651956 Platinum Vintage Farmer Sophie 05/23/2020 Dino Micheletto No
Pending 651993 Shine Chic Shine MM Lollipop 04/15/2020 Alessandro Cazzaniga No
Pending 651996 HF Mobster Not Ruf Me Out 04/14/2020 Alessandro Cazzaniga No
Pending 652024 ARC Gunnabeabigstar Gold Diamond Whiz 04/30/2020 Matteo Benedusi Yes
Pending 652093 Spooks Gotta Whiz Docs Steady San 05/05/2020 Elisa Bregoli No
Pending 652111 Hollywood Gun Dunnit Jaba Little Whiz 05/08/2020 Ferrari Stefano No
Pending 652126 HF Mobster Melodys Boots 02/08/2020 Pier Luigi Sala No
Pending 652127 Colonels Shining Gun Leolena Jac 04/25/2020 Pier Luigi Sala No
Pending 652152 Piccolo Spanish Come Whiz Me 04/18/2020 Thomas Engel No
Pending 652156 Kitas Spark Chic Harmony Dream 04/07/2020 Viscusi Societa' Agricola SRLS No
Pending 652159 Sure As A Gun TH SQUEEZABLE 05/16/2020 Viscusi Societa' Agricola SRLS No
Pending 652160 ARC Gunna Sparkya Sound Of Letting Go 05/06/2020 Viscusi Societa' Agricola SRLS No
Pending 652161 ARC Gunna Sparkya Baby Frozen Tari 05/24/2020 Viscusi Societa' Agricola SRLS No
Pending 652162 Colonels Shining Gun Gotta Hang Tuff 06/22/2020 Gino Bonneure No
Pending 652200 Master Snapper BB Kathy Bolt Lena 06/07/2020 Kristina Silvetz No
Pending 652229 Piccolo Spanish Gun Flashy Whiz 05/03/2020 Sabatino QH Srl No
Pending 652232 Piccolo Spanish Shinin N Hollywood 05/30/2020 Sabatino QH Srl No
Pending 652258 Chic Magnetic Pep Olena Chex 05/19/2020 Mauro Boffelli No
Pending 652356 Walla Whiz Crome ND Fancy Early Girl 03/13/2020 Nathalie Derua No
Pending 652371 Spatatino Roosters Melodymaker 04/21/2020 Gennaro Lendi No
Pending 652430 Santino Whiz FELIX BAR BUG 06/05/2020 MARIO SCALA No
Pending 652434 Hollywood Gun Dunnit One Spice Girl 05/01/2020 Clara Crippa No
Pending 652435 Hollywood Gun Dunnit Lynx Bonita 04/24/2020 Clara Crippa No
Pending 652457 Gunnatrashya ARC Chrome N Chic 10/05/2020 Giovanni Pilla No
Pending 652458 Yankee Gun Melrose Little Step 10/15/2020 Giovanni Pilla No
Pending 652459 At Ale Wood DE MAJESTIC JAKI 04/23/2020 Giovanni Pilla No
Pending 652461 ARC Sparkle Magnetic AG ROYAL SURPRISE 02/14/2020 Alice Marinoni No
Pending 652463 One Gun SMART ROOSTERINA 04/21/2020 Alice Marinoni No
Pending 652464 One Gun HOWDY STAR TIME 05/01/2020 Alice Marinoni No
Pending 652465 Wimpys Little Step Dark Commander Mr 06/23/2020 Giovanni Pilla No
Pending 652478 Hollywoodstinseltown High Brow Ginger 06/10/2020 23 Quarter Horses SRL No
Pending 652479 Zins Smart Whiz Zedd Sunburst 03/03/2020 23 Quarter Horses SRL No
Pending 652480 Zins Smart Whiz Sanditch Rooster 023 05/25/2020 23 Quarter Horses SRL No
Pending 652481 Zins Smart Whiz Antar Style 05/03/2020 23 Quarter Horses SRL No
Pending 652482 Ricochet Rooster Zedd Sunburst 04/23/2020 23 Quarter Horses SRL No
Pending 652506 Spatatino Whiz Surprise 04/16/2020 Chiara Di Mugno No
Pending 652508 HF Mobster SGA Hot Surprise 03/03/2020 Mario Spada No
Pending 652509 Shine Chic Shine ER Moonlite Taco 10/03/2020 Mario Spada No
Pending 652510 Lil Smokeing Gun RS Feo Pine Jac 04/16/2020 Mario Spada No
Pending 652511 Lil Smokeing Gun ARC Smart Enterprise 04/01/2020 Mario Spada No
Pending 652513 Black Gotta Gun Buenonic Rey 05/27/2020 Fabio Polesel No
Pending 652531 ARC Gunnabeabigstar A Shinin Whiz 06/09/2020 Martin Lubetzki No
Pending 652577 Hollywood Gun Dunnit Break The Rhythm 04/07/2020 Azienda Agricola Dalla Piccola Giuliano No
Pending 652578 Wimpy Margarita GD Shannon Lena Doc 04/26/2020 Azienda Agricola Dalla Piccola Giuliano No
Pending 652579 Rickory Rooster Jacs Doceta 05/04/2020 Azienda Agricola Dalla Piccola Giuliano No
Pending 652585 Rooster Hick Sweet Time Millenium 07/31/2020 Luisa Pagano No
Pending 652619 Colonels Shining Gun All About Spook 04/05/2020 Koen Symoens No
Pending 652621 Dun It Pine Gam Lady Madonna 04/30/2020 Francesca B No
Pending 652622 Dun It Pine HR Broadolena 06/04/2020 Francesca B No
Pending 652654 Elvis Peppy Taco Doctors Surprises 01/10/2020 Francesco Marchegiani No
Pending 652657 Jacs Electric Spark Mobster Chex 05/12/2020 Nicola Sola No
Pending 652676 HF Mobster Hot Smokin Lill 03/18/2020 Nikolaus Strolz No
Pending 652693 Spat Olena Monfi Sailor 08/03/2020 Fabio Polesel No
Pending 652730 Gunners Frostbite Lady Kay Surprise 05/23/2020 Luca Galvani No
Pending 652733 One Gun Peppy Master Hill 04/01/2020 LUCA CACCIATORE No
Pending 652734 HF Mobster Holly Okeo Dun Wood 03/03/2020 Allevamento Cisal Quarter Horses Srl No
Pending 652735 Gunner Frostbite Chinicchex 04/21/2020 Fabio Chella No
Pending 652737 Zins Smart Whiz Ant Lyat Mr 04/22/2020 Andrea Sbaffo No
Pending 652744 Spatatino Baby Milligate 04/25/2020 Giulia Di Lella No
Pending 652748 Spatatino ab sun in diamond 05/15/2020 biagio marzio No
Pending 652788 Zins Smart Whiz Lena Jay Rooster 03/21/2020 Carola Fiorini No
Pending 652794 Sunlight Too Sailor Whell Rooster 04/29/2020 Alfredo Ciabattoni No
Pending 652796 Best Spook Paula First Gun 05/02/2020 Willem Langendoen No
Pending 652838 Lil Smokeing Gun Ndmercedesblackpearl 03/07/2020 Roy Van Der Hoeven No
Pending 652909 Gunnatrashya Littlemermaids 05/02/2020 Impresa Agricola Cuoghi No
Pending 652912 SG Frozen Enterprize Mandys Little Girl 03/05/2020 Impresa Agricola Cuoghi No
Pending 652925 Gotta Gold Chain JP Maggie Chic Dream 04/09/2020 Jac Point QH No
Pending 652926 Gotta Gold Chain Sparkling Hollywood 02/16/2020 Jac Point QH No
Pending 652940 Steppin On Sparks A Chic On Whiskey 04/25/2020 Roy Van Der Hoeven No
Pending 652949 A Sparkling Vintage KS Hollywood Twhize 05/03/2020 Johan Buijs No
Pending 652953 Little Remedy Chexs Dots Lotta 05/25/2020 Hans-Georg Holzwarth No
Pending 652957 Lil Smokeing Gun Ascarina Dream 03/27/2020 Nicola Cordioli No
Pending 653013 HF Mobster ARC Who Whiz Ruf 03/30/2020 Alessandro Maioli No
Pending 653018 Elvis Peppy Taco Aynils Honey Av 05/01/2020 Karl Pardeller No
Pending 653020 Spark N Whiz Lil White Gun 03/15/2020 Luga Quarter Horses No
Pending 653025 Dun It In Colour ARC Thinking Lenita 01/26/2020 Fabrizio Mascetti No
Pending 653026 Spooks Gotta Sting Snappy Olena 05/25/2020 Alberto L'Abbate No
Pending 653029 RS Nebbiolo Blue Skeet Rock 05/15/2020 Andrea Castrucci No
Pending 653030 RS Nebbiolo Blue KN Miss Chic Tari 06/06/2020 Andrea Castrucci No
Pending 653031 Chic N Roost Rooster Sail N Glo 03/23/2020 Andrea Castrucci No
Pending 653032 Okie Dun Badger KN Barbie Blackwidow 02/18/2020 KN Reining Resort SS No
Pending 653095 Whizzs Command MISS BLIZARD CODY 03/13/2020 Massimiliano Pietrini No
Pending 653125 Magnum With A Dream Boom Miss Melody 03/23/2020 GRC Horses No
Pending 653143 Mr Lucky Just mf miss quixote cat 01/06/2020 giulio marangoni No
Pending 653182 Walla Whiz Crome My Golden Oak 04/20/2020 Manuela Hoell No
Pending 653199 Inferno Sixty Six Cocky Pepita 05/08/2020 Lars Suechting No
Pending 653200 Magnum With A Dream Magic Feona Jac 05/14/2020 Lars Suechting No
Pending 653201 JF What A Ruf Juice Unos Marmoset 04/14/2020 Lars Suechting No
Pending 653202 ARC Gunnabeabigstar Custom Cashmere 03/04/2020 Veronika Spitzauer No
Pending 653203 Remins Remedy Tuff Lil Gun 04/15/2020 Luca Zeni No
Pending 653209 One Gun Macey Key Sailor 04/08/2020 Francesco Schippa No
Pending 653241 Magical Snapper lady chex luck 04/19/2020 Daniele Giacche' No
Pending 653243 Magical Snapper Barby Bo Sun 07/10/2020 Daniele Giacche' No
Pending 653244 Magical Snapper Lf Harley Dun It 06/16/2020 Daniele Giacche' No
Pending 653284 Chic N Roost Mary Spanish 03/31/2020 Nicolae Stefanescu No
Pending 653305 Hickory Holly Time As I Want 05/15/2020 Filippo Masi No
Pending 653310 Pale Face Dunnit JP Get Ready Missy 05/21/2020 Berni Ostermaier No
Pending 653325 Mister Little Uno GREAT PEPNO 04/12/2020 Ivana Azimi No
Pending 653332 Great Smart Delmaso Luckystarwhizlena 03/13/2020 Settimio Mordenti No
Pending 653351 Late Night Stopper Magic Marienterprise 05/01/2020 Carlo Sala No
Pending 653364 AF Great Melenium Barbie Son 07/01/2020 Settimio Mordenti No
Pending 653371 RS Nebbiolo Blue Biancaneve Sailor Gun 03/27/2020 Andrea Castrucci No
Pending 653390 Iam Sailors Brother Roosterina Jo 01/31/2020 Alberto L'Abbate No
Pending 653421 SG Frozen Enterprize Joy Scarface 04/28/2020 Marco Martinelli No
Pending 653424 Spatatino April Hollywood Yak 05/13/2020 Manuel Caumo No
Pending 653429 Oaks Lone Pepto SMART PEPTOS 05/13/2020 Davide Bonesi No
Pending 653442 Dr Lee Hook Time for Heidi 05/07/2020 Hubert Hinterndorfer No
Pending 653444 A Sparkling Vintage Juicy Doll 04/11/2020 Kathrin Bruemmer No
Pending 653445 SG Frozen Enterprize Hollywood Diva BB 04/03/2020 Maria Cecilia Fiorucci Yes
Pending 653447 Lil Joe Cash Honey Goldy Moon 06/19/2020 Giovanni Cometti No
Pending 653448 Gunnatrashya Sparkle On Top 03/04/2020 Maria Cecilia Fiorucci Yes
Pending 653449 Not Ruf At All dually pine 05/19/2020 Giovanni Cometti No
Pending 653450 Ebony Trashya CS Im So Chic 04/07/2020 Maria Cecilia Fiorucci Yes
Pending 653451 Sunlight Too Sailor AK Coral Chic 04/28/2020 Maria Cecilia Fiorucci Yes
Pending 653452 Custom Made Gun Frozen Little Sol 03/25/2020 Maria Cecilia Fiorucci Yes
Pending 653453 Sunlight Too Sailor Honeywood Dun It 05/07/2020 Maria Cecilia Fiorucci Yes
Pending 653454 Spooks Gotta Sting SHININGS STAR ANGEL 04/18/2020 Giovanni Cometti No
Pending 653459 Electric Code Supertrump Out 06/01/2020 Il Colle Del Falco No
Pending 653467 Colonels Shining Gun Gumpys Little Dunit 05/01/2020 Janne Melby No
Pending 653483 Chic N Roost Catty Whiz 03/18/2020 Andrea Castrucci No
Pending 653485 CPR Frozen Midnight CHICA GUN 05/07/2020 TANJA BUECHEL No
Pending 653498 Best Spook Dolls Shining Spark 04/28/2020 Britta Groenemeyer No
Pending 653593 Hesa Mega Whiz AC Hearmena Mis 05/11/2020 Pellegrini Aurelio No
Pending 653634 MR LITTLE UNO HH Snapper Sailor 04/13/2020 Emilio Di Lullo No
Pending 653635 ARC Gunna Sparkya RS Diademas Olena 03/17/2020 Emilio Di Lullo No
Pending 653647 Play Mr Linton Spat Wimpys Delmaso 05/19/2020 Luca Chemolli No
Pending 653654 Lil Joe Cash RR Star O Gun 05/23/2020 Francesco Angelotti No
Pending 653661 I Am A Ruf Boy Dry Little Reba 04/22/2020 Kerstin Fohrmann No
Pending 653663 One Gun Juvanum cutter holly 05/17/2020 Barbara Baldi No
Pending 653667 Chocolate Chic Olena Twisted Mistress 04/27/2020 Michael Ackermann No
Pending 653679 Smart Fallingstar Miss Money Boggie 03/04/2020 Allevamento Cisal Quarter Horses Srl No
Pending 653681 Smart Fallingstar Dakota lena Pride. 03/20/2020 Allevamento Cisal Quarter Horses Srl No
Pending 653695 Hollywoodstinseltown Shes Pretty Nice 05/01/2020 Eva Stanislawczyk No
Pending 653696 Yellow Jersey Sanditch Spook BB 05/27/2020 Eva Stanislawczyk No
Pending 653699 Lil Smokeing Gun Frost And Twist 07/01/2020 Francesco Barbagli No
Pending 653700 Gunners Special Nite Daicy 03/14/2020 Katharina Dejori No
Pending 653701 Steppin On Sparks Dottys Great Whiz 03/19/2020 Zen De Witt No
Pending 653704 In Like Flinn A Time To Sparkle 05/14/2020 Mauro Taccia No
Pending 653711 Chic Surprise Just Miss Enterprise 03/30/2020 Jeffrey Van Deinsen No
Pending 653723 Sailor Pepper Sf Surprise Lena 04/11/2020 Anna Pia Eletti No
Pending 653724 Sailor Pepper NF Desert Rose 04/23/2020 Anna Pia Eletti No
Pending 653734 Colonels Shining Gun Dama Chex 02/17/2020 Giorgia Buccini No
Pending 653735 Colonels Shining Gun Saturdaynight BH 03/30/2020 Daniele Falchi No
Pending 653737 One Gun Tardy Rose Of Texas 04/24/2020 Daniele Falchi No
Pending 653742 Kitas Spark Boomster 06/10/2020 Emiliano Brandimarte No
Pending 653745 Yankee Gun ARC Roadrunner Whiz 01/16/2020 Marco Mele No
Pending 653746 Yankee Gun Frozen Eva Kent 05/31/2020 Marco Mele No
Pending 653755 Gunners Special Nite Wimpy Golden Crome 02/14/2020 Lenka Lukackova No
Pending 653758 Gunners Special Nite Fashions Dream 05/19/2020 Lenka Lukackova No
Pending 653762 Spooks Gotta Sting STEADYS KAY 05/01/2020 Lenka Lukackova No
Pending 653797 SDP Justice Is Comin enterprise dude 04/12/2020 Mirko Viviani No
Pending 653802 Lil Smokeing Gun Sail On Roket 03/04/2020 Laura Di Nunzio No
Pending 653806 SDP Justice Is Comin spat san olena 03/09/2020 Mirko Viviani No
Pending 653852 ARC Magic Enterprise Little Snake Frost 05/07/2020 Josef Obrist No
Pending 653855 Chic Magnetic Gam Peggy Step 05/06/2020 Nancy Seppi No
Pending 653859 In Like Flinn Starlights Winner 04/13/2020 Vincenzo Maffucci No
Pending 653872 GFC Quixote Gun Tari Surprise 05/05/2020 Stefano Ianiero No
Pending 653873 Colonels Shining Gun Spanish Lira 04/10/2020 Az Agr Cortesi Piero No
Pending 653876 Gunners Special Nite Miss Cody Whiz It 04/04/2020 Sabine Ehrenreich No
Pending 653881 Spatatino GZ DUAL RAIN 05/27/2020 Giorgia Buccini No
Pending 653882 SDP Justice Is Comin Chocolate Bobalou 07/11/2020 Giorgia Buccini No
Pending 653883 Colonels Shining Gun Seven S Holly Dun 05/23/2020 Giorgia Buccini No
Pending 653890 Chic Magnetic mistyca revolution 04/29/2020 Caterina Zumbe' No
Pending 653893 My Good Gun CN Lena Dancer 05/17/2020 STEFANIA BONDESANI No
Pending 653926 Spatatino ARC Please Pay Gold 04/27/2020 Giorgia Buccini No
Pending 653929 Lil Joe Cash topsail gallitia 06/07/2020 Misel Gungl No
Pending 653930 Spatatino OT TARIS SMOKEM 03/31/2020 Giorgia Buccini No
Pending 653963 Smoking Kills RS Miss Olena Doco 06/11/2020 Fenna Elzinga No
Pending 653973 Inferno Sixty Six Miss Jazzy Jac 04/03/2020 Christine Wilinski No
Pending 653983 Kitas Spark Zan Hickory Freckles 04/27/2020 Fabrizio Ferretti No
Pending 653992 Lil Cash Gun Glueckissima 04/12/2020 Richard Or Melanie Zehetbauer No
Pending 654002 Mucho Chex To Cash Spring Arlena 05/21/2020 Lucio Ferrarini No
Pending 654019 What A Wave Morosita Whiz 04/04/2020 Stefan Jauer No
Pending 654025 One Gun wimpy lee lena 06/02/2020 Andrea Fiadone No
Pending 654026 Mister Little Uno BB Sailin Tornado 05/12/2020 Diana Ewald No
Pending 654043 Whiz Shining Style Snow White Gun 04/26/2020 Alice Marinoni No
Pending 654078 In Like Flinn Heidi Sailor 04/01/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Pending 654087 AB Captain Badger Im A Queen Diamonds 03/17/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Pending 654098 AB Captain Badger Maryolyn Hancock 06/07/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Pending 654101 Pale Face Dunnit AB Queen 01/10/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Pending 654102 Gunnatrashya PL Spooks Dunit Whiz 05/05/2020 Edoardo Bernardelli No
Pending 654108 SG Frozen Enterprize Whiz A Top Blondie 05/07/2020 Edoardo Bernardelli No
Pending 654110 Tinseltown Fly Guy Customatic Sailor 04/11/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Pending 654143 Lil Joe Cash TH Hollywood Party 04/26/2020 George Wiedenhofer No
Pending 654146 Yankee Gun Express Spook 05/30/2020 Rocchi Veronica No
Pending 654147 Inferno Sixty Six Smartvaltellinawhiz 05/09/2020 Bernardo Sarao No
Pending 654152 In Like Flinn Taris Legacy 07/31/2020 Lorenzo Diello No
Pending 654153 Shine Chic Shine Dont Stop Loving You 05/23/2020 Lorenzo Diello No
Pending 654156 AB Captain Badger Tina Taris 06/01/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Pending 654158 Hollywood Gun Dunnit Lowelnic Wheel 03/28/2020 Andrea Bergese No
Pending 654159 Colonels Shining Gun Noor Nicdry 03/24/2020 Andrea Bergese No
Pending 654160 Electric Snow Wheelydiah 05/25/2020 Andrea Bergese No
Pending 654164 ARC Walla Dun Did It Ms Montana Chic 06/06/2020 Katharina Dahl No
Pending 654168 Spark N Whiz Arc Smart Chic Ghost 04/16/2020 Massimo Villa No
Pending 654170 Shine Chic Shine Surely Chexi 04/08/2020 Claudia Rizzola No
Pending 654172 Lil Joe Cash BQH Pretty Gunner 06/10/2020 Francesco Bonadeo No
Pending 654174 Okie Tari Badger Double Honey Pine 04/10/2020 Dario Carmignani No
Pending 654181 Star Tac Pride Kay Sarah 04/04/2020 Dario Carmignani No
Pending 654183 Especial Diamond A Rey Vision Miki 03/28/2020 Angelo Leone No
Pending 654185 Zan It In The Dark margot fighter 04/24/2020 diana parascovei No
Pending 654230 Hollywood Gun Dunnit PC Cristy Master 02/28/2020 Lara Maiocchi No
Pending 654236 SG Frozen Enterprize Socos Wannabe Royal 05/16/2020 Jolie Cooper No
Pending 654237 In Like Flinn Spooks Lady Gun 05/25/2020 Silke Otterbein No
Pending 654247 One Gun JJ Chic O Lena 05/28/2020 Mattia Salinetti No
Pending 654249 Spatatino arc suddenly suprise 06/01/2020 Ferruccio Bucci No
Pending 654255 Kitas Spark missolenatoo 06/27/2020 Sabina Barucca No
Pending 654278 HF Mobster ARC Montana Whiz 05/12/2020 Alessandro Maioli No
Pending 654297 ARC Gunnabeabigstar Smoking Girl 04/08/2020 Cecilia Frediani No
Pending 654298 Country With A Twist Arc Chic O Please 02/13/2020 Manuel Balzani No
Pending 654299 Country With A Twist Duna Smoke 03/28/2020 Manuel Balzani No
Pending 654300 Country With A Twist Hollywood Lady Two 05/05/2020 Manuel Balzani No
Pending 654301 ARC Sparkle Magnetic Like A Remin Whiz 04/16/2020 Silvia Racco No
Pending 654302 Country With A Twist bimba dunit abigale 02/26/2020 Manuel Balzani No
Pending 654303 Outlaw Hickory Piccola Great 04/30/2020 Manuel Caumo No
Pending 654304 Brown Spott Glitter Mifi Secolena 01/19/2020 Luca Baraglia No
Pending 654306 Jazalena Diamond Nu Chex Rose 04/11/2020 Dr. Paul Van Hooft Yes
Pending 654307 Saildorado Sallys Flying Legacy 03/03/2020 Dr. Paul Van Hooft No
Pending 654308 Wimpy Margarita easy dunnit smoke 04/17/2020 enrico paris No
Pending 654318 Shine Chic Shine AT Greatawood isback 03/10/2020 Alessandro Tropepe No
Pending 654326 Gunnerlicious LC MISS OLENA BAR 03/30/2020 IVANO COSTA No
Pending 654330 Rooster Nic GB QT Little Whiz 05/07/2020 Gregory Legrand No
Pending 654350 Inferno Sixty Six Tc miss passion linx 03/03/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Pending 654365 The Gunner King SUNSHINE DE BAR 03/01/2020 Staffoli Horses SNC No
Pending 654376 At Ale Wood Summer Dry Diamonds 04/02/2020 Alessandro Tropepe No
Pending 654390 ARH Trashy Surprise CR Sunrise 05/09/2020 Bastien Bourgeois No
Pending 654392 ARH Trashy Surprise Triniti Cal Bar 05/23/2020 Bastien Bourgeois No
Pending 654397 Spooks Gotta Sting WR Giulia 03/31/2020 Cristian Dalla Pozza No
Pending 654404 Spooks Gotta Sting SHAINING SUNRISE STAR 05/25/2020 STEFANIA BONDESANI No
Pending 654408 Shine My Gun Dunit Like A Blonde 04/20/2020 Anke Waizenegger-Merkt No
Pending 654412 Lil Magnum Custom Elta Remedy 04/27/2020 Anke Waizenegger-Merkt No
Pending 654469 Spooks Gotta Sting ML Bella Mia 04/17/2020 Giovanni Cometti No
Pending 654471 Whiz Shining Style Beyond The Blonde 05/22/2020 Giovanni Pagani No
Pending 654473 Boggies Royal Gem She Likes To Boggie 03/04/2020 Giovanni Pagani No
Pending 654476 Chic Magnetic CF Wild Sky Gun 05/20/2020 Giuseppe La Monica No
Pending 654479 Gallo Bueno MRH Bonni In Diamond 04/26/2020 PIETRO TEDESCO No
Pending 654480 Spatatino Lisa Secolina 05/15/2020 giulio cinti No
Pending 654485 Bright Like Adiamond Kam Miss Hollywood 04/10/2020 Peter Simek No
Pending 654488 ARC Walla Dun Did It Wimpys Starlet 06/04/2020 Erik Nilsson Yes
Pending 654499 Iam Sailors Brother Win Bee Jac 04/15/2020 Nico Sicuro No
Pending 654502 Elvis Peppy Taco Bonnie Chex SG 03/13/2020 Staffoli Horses SNC No
Pending 654508 Hollywood Gun Dunnit Miss Topsail Bamby 04/15/2020 Francesco Arrighi No
Pending 654509 Shine Chic Shine Lady Hollywood Cody 04/29/2020 Alexander Giangregorio No
Pending 654512 Best Spook Gunners Litl Hotshot 03/16/2020 Martin Duemmel No
Pending 654532 Kitas Spark Starsships 05/25/2020 DOMENICO CUCCIA No
Pending 654533 Steppin On Sparks JK Charleys Diamant 05/09/2020 LG Quarter Horses No
Pending 654587 All Dun Working Broadaniac Twist 05/28/2020 Madeleine Eskilsson No
Pending 654588 Mega Jac Dance Kr Hollywood Starlet 06/01/2020 Madeleine Eskilsson No
Pending 654590 Electric Code Frozen Diamond Rose 05/26/2020 Piergiuseppe Guidetti No
Pending 654592 Lil Joe Cash SCR Gunny Girl 03/08/2020 Piergiuseppe Guidetti No
Pending 654600 Hollys Electricspark RS Cindarella Olena 03/21/2020 Corinna Brosi No
Pending 654604 Whizper Whoa Roosterrella 05/05/2020 Arienne Hollaar-Poot No
Pending 654605 Colonels Shining Gun Wimpys Little Magnum 04/15/2020 Arienne Hollaar-Poot No
Pending 654607 Shine Chic Shine Princess Sand 05/06/2020 Massimiliano Ruggeri No
Pending 654610 Golden Glo Cadillac Fury Cal Elly 05/30/2020 Massimiliano Ruggeri No
Pending 654611 Wimpys Little Tejano Whizpers Lil Cowgirl 05/02/2020 Arienne Hollaar-Poot No
Pending 654612 Call Me Mr Voodoo Dixie Dunit Rooster 04/16/2020 Federico Cattin No
Pending 654627 Spatatino Brennas R Okie 04/18/2020 Dimitri Mathieu No
Pending 654629 Mister Little Uno Lil White Pop 02/19/2020 Massimiliano Ruggeri No
Pending 654631 ARC Gunnabeabigstar AVN Dual SMart Peppy 07/04/2020 Giuseppe Basile No
Pending 654635 GH Null Null Sieben Dynamic Olena 04/28/2020 Beate Gaab No
Pending 654638 GH Null Null Sieben Helena Dun It Smart 05/26/2020 Beate Gaab No
Pending 654644 Wimpys Littlecolonel Corpus Christi Bay 05/18/2020 Wim Vervecken No
Pending 654648 BA Superjac charlies ms starlight 06/02/2020 Wim Vervecken No
Pending 654654 Whizzs Command Glolena Sun 06/07/2020 Isabella Bregni No
Pending 654665 Shine Chic Shine Whizky Coke 05/30/2020 Michael Kneier No
Pending 654670 king jack peppy SGA Ledy Surprise 06/06/2020 Giovanni Schenatti No
Pending 654673 ARC Gunnabeabigstar Sophie WR Pine 05/28/2020 Wr - Horses No
Pending 654688 SDP Justice Is Comin VERA Q COX 05/12/2020 Deborah Facchi No
Pending 654689 JD Colonel Whiz miss ruf gun 06/09/2020 David Roux No
Pending 654690 SDP Justice Is Comin LILI LENA STREKE 03/18/2020 Deborah Facchi No
Pending 654701 What A Wave Jewel O Lena Bar PV 06/06/2020 Eva Stanislawczyk No
Pending 654703 ARC Sparkle Magnetic Just Electric 04/25/2020 Astrid Kraft No
Pending 654714 Hickory Holly Time Selenas Classy Smoke 05/28/2020 Wr - Horses No
Pending 654722 Shiney Outlaw Smokes Covergirl 06/30/2020 Wr - Horses No
Pending 654725 Hickory Holly Time Dolly Gun WR San Jo 03/09/2020 Wr - Horses No
Pending 654732 Shiney Outlaw Sparkle Wr San Jo 04/22/2020 Wr - Horses No
Pending 654797 Jaba Oak Whitepoo 05/13/2020 Desireè Grossi No
Pending 654817 Black Gotta Gun Genuine Lil Snap 04/23/2020 Verena Klein No
Pending 654818 Cromeds Cowboy Steppin Nici 03/15/2020 Verena Klein No
Pending 654837 One Gun RS VALENTINE JACK 04/23/2020 Nancy Seppi No
Pending 654875 Wimpys Little Step Top Of Jacky 03/12/2020 Melanie Sattelmayer No
Pending 654876 Chexpeare Chex Out Mercedes 04/18/2020 Lynn Thill No
Pending 654920 Spatatino Peppyta All Dun It 05/28/2020 Fabrizio Magni No
Pending 655186 Shine On Miss Tuff Enterprise 05/18/2020 Sandra Friesenbiller No
Pending 655191 Dun It In Color SGA Alena Please 03/26/2020 Soc. Agr. Forestale Belvedere ss No
Pending 655192 Chic Dreamin Sun Oak Enterprise 04/30/2020 Ilse Robausch No
Pending 655220 Electric Code Spooks Milady Gun 03/05/2020 Gina Cipolat No
Pending 655223 Best Spook Shesa Mega Kabootle 03/24/2020 Frank Will No
Pending 655238 Walla Walla Whiz Complimentary yours 05/19/2020 Gennaro Lendi No
Pending 655240 MR LITTLE UNO Glo Joe Hollywood 05/27/2020 Camilla Moschen No
Pending 655241 Jokin Whiz PC Cinderella Story 05/10/2020 Camilla Moschen No
Pending 655252 Spatatino SP FRIDA DEL GALLO 04/10/2020 Domenico Di Biase No
Pending 655268 Whizkey N Diamonds Ima Shiney Chic 04/30/2020 Sandra Roloff No
Pending 655269 Colonels Shining Gun Pretty Chex To Cash 03/29/2020 Sandra Roloff No
Pending 655278 Shine Chic Shine Hustle In Hollywood 05/13/2020 Kennel Quarter Horses No
Pending 655279 Mister Little Uno Wimpys Margarita 04/28/2020 Kennel Quarter Horses No
Pending 655282 Jokin Whiz Star Whiz It 02/17/2020 Agostino Novaresio No
Pending 655324 Tarysmart Kachina Creek 05/30/2020 Benjamin Kohl No
Pending 655344 I Cee Diamonds Miss Sum Of A Gunner 05/22/2020 Petra Van Dijk No
Pending 655358 Gunners Special Nite Miss Play Badger 08/08/2020 Loris Palazzo No
Pending 655396 Shiners Voodoo Dr Cheyenne Cats Bars 03/08/2020 Anita Ernst No
Pending 655546 Colonels Shining Gun Misswhitefacegun 05/16/2020 AK Quarterhorses No
Pending 655682 Colonels Shining Gun custom slide dun it 05/09/2020 erario gianfredi No
Pending 655800 Shiners Voodoo Dr Sheza Hickory Star 02/15/2020 Jan Juricak No
Pending 658696 Colonels Shining Gun Miss Trudi Olena 05/30/2020 MARCO BUSOLI No
Pending 659839 DG Hollywood Top Gun Indian Miss Nordfleet 04/23/2020 Kim Obenhaus No
Pending 660684 Oaks Star Gunner Lil Shining Jewel 03/10/2020 Blanka Dolezalova No
Pep Gun One Gun Jokin Peppy 01/10/2020 Cecilia Frediani No
Peponitas Luzy Boon All About Pep Hustlers Peponita 05/27/2020 Asa Bergstrom No
PF Spat Special Nite Gunners Special Nite Dolly Jac Olena 04/27/2020 Fabio Polesel No
Picasso By Jasmine Colonels Shining Gun Jasmine Whiz Jac 05/17/2020 Jerome Janeas No
Piccolo Star Piccolo Spanish BMS Steady Starlight 02/20/2020 Conni Kuttenreich No
Pistolera Magic Magical Snapper Wear The Fox Hat 04/30/2020 Sergio Iannetta No
PL Dolly Specialnite Gunners Special Nite Little Dolly Whiz 02/20/2020 Grey Stone Ranch Gmbh No
PL Gunshining Colonels Shining Gun GH Hollywoods Melody 06/01/2020 Luigi Parise No
PL H Enterprize SG Frozen Enterprize E Harmony Dot Com 03/23/2020 Luigi Parise No
PL Lil Mayor Piccolo Spanish Smart Mayor 05/12/2020 Luigi Parise No
Platinum Rooster BB Platinum Vintage Short Rooster 05/31/2020 Eifel Gold Ranch Baeck Yes
Platinums Little Joe Platinum Vintage Stars Little Wimpy 03/26/2020 Albert Derksen No
Play With BH Broadway BH Play With Diesel 05/16/2020 Stefanie Strasser No
Please To Nite Gunners Special Nite ARC Pleasetogunyou 04/13/2020 Lisa Werdaner No
PM Ben Gotta Whiz Reining Whiz Sheza Spook Lil Step 06/10/2020 Piet Mestdagh No
PM Gun Chic Whiz Reining Whiz Gunners Snappy Chic 01/15/2020 Piet Mestdagh No
Potter Dun It Too Okie Dun Badger Polly Potter 06/05/2020 Dario Carmignani No
PP Dream To Sailor Sunlight Too Sailor Dream For You 05/20/2020 Alfredo Ciabattoni No
PP Queenwhizard Whizard Jac Cn Arena Queen 04/13/2020 Giulio Trevisan No
PP Voodoos Gangster Shiners Voodoo Dr Peppy Gotta Gun 05/02/2020 Michael Pupacher No
PP Whiznjacsjosefine Whiz N Tag Chex Jacs Lil Princess 03/19/2020 Michael Pupacher No
Pretty Fly Colonels Shining Gun RDH Spirit Of Dunit 02/23/2020 Davide Brighenti No
Prettywhizprettymade Spooks Gotta Whiz Mare Made 03/03/2020 Andreu Nogue Puig Yes
PRH Spook White Gun Black Gotta Gun Spooks My Daddy 05/01/2020 Francesco Schippa No
Princess Shining Gun Colonels Shining Gun Smart Queen Liza 03/08/2020 Yvonne Flecken No
Proud To Be A Cowboy Cromeds Cowboy Pride Peppermint 04/15/2020 Elena Musshoff No
PS Genuine Picasso Bright Like Adiamond Kam Genuine Georgia 04/26/2020 Peter Simek No
PS Pocker Face Dunit Pale Face Dunnit One Way Away 05/26/2020 Peter Simek No
Purified Whizkey Dun It For Whizkey Gunnebee 04/23/2020 Saar Lenaerts No
QQ Merlin Whizard Colonels Shining Gun Whiz a Blue 05/13/2020 CHIARA COLOMBI Yes
QR Code Electric Code Peppergun 05/02/2020 Emma Villa No
Queen t challa Colonels Shining Gun Arc Pleasedtoceeu 05/18/2020 Andrea Parolari No
Rachele Enterprize SG Frozen Enterprize Saturdays Reminight 05/17/2020 Giovanni Zucchi No
Raise And Shine Colonels Shining Gun Roosters Minnie 03/23/2020 Juliane Rossner No
Ram Jojos Steppinjac Colonels Shining Gun Step In Your Skates 04/20/2020 Roy Van Der Hoeven Yes
Ram Walla Surprise Walla Walla Whiz Wd Thischiccanskate 03/20/2020 Roy Van Der Hoeven Yes
Ram Whosgunnacashya Gunnatrashya Cashs Angel Whiz 03/30/2020 Roy Van Der Hoeven Yes
RCS Blueheart Knight RCS Hacker Ofmyheart Whipp Hancock Monae 06/02/2020 Eva Gnyp No
rcs wimpys keep cool Wimpys Smoking Gun Cool Jenny Haze 03/03/2020 Elodie regnier No
RE Last Gunnerina Hollywood Gun Dunnit RS Last Leos Jac 06/17/2020 Enrico Righetti No
Red Dun Hick Pepper Rooster Hick The Luxury Champion 07/08/2020 Giulia Pecchi No
Red In Valentine SG Frozen Enterprize La Marka De Gunner 02/14/2020 Luga Quarter Horses Yes
Red Is The New Black ARC Sparkle Magnetic Sailicromednic 03/02/2020 Tiffany Gal No
Redberrytrashya Gunnatrashya Oakies Red Berry 05/19/2020 Morey Fisk No
Reinbowimpy Gunnatrashya Ruff And Tuff Wimpy 03/22/2020 Carlo Sala No
Revolutions Booster Start A Revolution Inkooknito 04/26/2020 Thorsten Riedel No
Revolutionshininggun Colonels Shining Gun Skeets Revolution BB 03/13/2020 Antonina Zarnawska No
RHM Shining Bear Colonels Shining Gun RHM Pocahontas 01/25/2020 Roger Moss Jr Yes
Rick C 137 SOS Ima Player Spark N Rose 02/13/2020 Hanna Schünemann No
Ricochet Moonshine Ricochet Rooster PG Lynnie 04/08/2020 Wim Vervecken No
Ricos O Rima HH Rico and Sparky Jacs Bionda O Rima 06/28/2020 Karin Stoll No
Rio Smoking Jac 76 Smoking Whiz RS Mc Jac Wind Olena 06/03/2020 Alfredo Di Caro No
RL Midnight Shiner Sharp Dressed Shiner Sliding Playmate 04/05/2020 Rochus Lang No
RM Splintergun Lil Smokeing Gun CMS Star Of Rooster 02/17/2020 Massimo Rudari No
Roostersvintagedante Platinum Vintage Queenelisabetrooster 03/27/2020 Denise Lutgens Yes
Rosalee Rooster Ricochet Rooster Sunburst N Whiz 03/02/2020 Alessia Simoncini No
Royal Sparklin Chex Gallo Bueno Sparkling Dora CA 03/20/2020 Antonio Fiorentino No
RR Kinder Attrashion Lean With Hollywood Dont Trash This Gun 04/14/2020 Katarzyna Roleska No
RR What A Vanda What A Wave Shining Whiz Olena 04/28/2020 Katarzyna Roleska No
RS Ar King Blue Spat A Blue RS Hollywood Hglo 03/04/2020 Claudio Risso No
RS Datejust Olena Spat Olena RS Linkwood Jac 02/23/2020 Claudio Risso No
RS Day Date Jac RS Great Jac Feona A Baby Boomer 05/30/2020 Claudio Risso No
RS Day Tona Jac RS Great Jac Feona RS Red Moon Olena 06/28/2020 Claudio Risso No
Rubys First Rabia RD Best Spook CDS Ruby Shines 05/23/2020 Ruediger Diedenhofen No
Ruffly Spookin Off Smart Spook Ruffly Whizin Off 03/16/2020 Joke Overbeek Fennema No
Rush N Trashya PC Gunnatrashya Electric Rush 04/03/2020 Massimo Sartori No
Ryangoldcustom Custom Ryan Great Eva 02/25/2020 Azienda Agricola Millefiori No
Sailin Whiz Dreams Sailin On Dreams Miss Walla Whiz 05/30/2020 David Roux No
Sailing On Guns Chicks Smokingun Sailor Glo 03/28/2020 Sabine Schmid No
Sailor Del Cielo SG Frozen Enterprize Smart Chica Rooster 02/15/2020 Roberto Barbe No
Sailor Smokegun Lil Smokeing Gun Heidi Sailor 03/05/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
SB All Ice On Me Wimpy Crashed Ice Smart Playgun 07/03/2020 Simon Bilger No
Selectatinseltowngun Tinseltownsmokingun Selectacocktailwimpy 04/30/2020 Jan Dirk Bodenstab No
SF Boom Heard Nic Rooster Nic Boomin Bunny 04/08/2020 Stefano Ferri No
SF Frozen Gin Frozen Sailor Genuin Off 04/26/2020 Tenuta della Calandrina SRL No
SF Use A Frozen Gin Frozen Sailor Genuin Off 04/16/2020 Tenuta della Calandrina SRL No
SG Forrest Gump ARC Gunnabeabigstar Ciela B Whiz Chic 05/08/2020 Sabine Gellert No
SG Greatest Wave What A Wave Toosexy For Ricochet 03/02/2020 Steve & Gina VANNIETVELT-DE PAUW No
SG Gumpy Bumpy Wave What A Wave ND Gump Peppy Smart 01/10/2020 Steve & Gina VANNIETVELT-DE PAUW No
SG Ice Duke SG Frozen Enterprize Wimpys Pattie Cake 05/05/2020 Giulia Mandaletti No
SG Ride The Wave What A Wave Shesa Ladygun 03/07/2020 Steve & Gina VANNIETVELT-DE PAUW No
SG Wave The Chex What A Wave Gunners Big Chex 04/28/2020 Steve & Gina VANNIETVELT-DE PAUW No
Sh Gunna Badger ARC Gunna Sparkya SH Queen Peseta 03/30/2020 Staffoli Horses SNC No
SH Mowgli Sun Burst Great Sun Burst Miss Olena Partee 04/07/2020 Staffoli Horses SNC No
Sharp Dressed Smokin Sharp Dressed Shiner LM Ebony Gun 04/01/2020 La Mesa Performance Horses No
Sharp Dressed Sooner Sharp Dressed Shiner Soonernic 05/06/2020 La Mesa Performance Horses No
Sheez Twice A Lil Lil Smokeing Gun Sheez So Chexy 03/17/2020 Inanna Versteeg Yes
Shelby Whiz Reining Whiz ND Jazzy Step On It 07/31/2020 Isabeau Rohde No
Shes A Spark Spark N Whiz Shes A Lil Showgirl 05/06/2020 Edoardo Bernardelli No
Shes Sexy N Sparklin ARC Sparkle Magnetic Playin Snapper 04/06/2020 Astrid Kraft No
Shesasparkya ARC Gunna Sparkya Jokin Peppy 02/07/2020 Cecilia Frediani No
Shesreadytoshine Colonels Shining Gun Ready To Spook 03/20/2020 Alessia Simoncini No
Sheza Frozen Kya ARC Gunna Sparkya ALV RR Enterprise 01/17/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Shine Like A Star BB Colonels Shining Gun Hollywood Balloues 02/29/2020 Sabrina Gujer No
Shine Like A Voodoo Shiners Voodoo SR Hot Jeannie 03/23/2020 Lisa Orth No
Shine Lil Lady Lil Joe Cash Star Shining Lady 03/14/2020 Hannes Kirchberger No
Shine Lil Wanda Smart Little Lenic Lil Wanda 05/17/2020 Silke Stein No
Shine My Cielo Custom Del Cielo Dudes Shinalena 05/04/2020 Gerhard Froech No
Shine My Flinny In Like Flinn ARC Summer Onthe Bay 04/05/2020 George Wiedenhofer No
Shine N Freckle Colonels Shining Gun BRS Freckles Payday 05/13/2020 Lukasz Czechowicz No
Shine Smokin Shine Smokin Mifillena Shine Foxy Shine 04/19/2020 Sonja Lubas No
Shine Whiz Diddlydoo Shiners Voodoo Bo Diddley Whiz 03/06/2020 Nicole Gelbert No
Shiner Surprises Shiners Voodoo Dr Snapple Surprises 02/27/2020 Mattia Camisi No
Shiners Enterprize Shiners Voodoo Darlene Enterprize 01/16/2020 Celina Seywald No
Shiners Great Witch Shiners Voodoo Dr Great With Cash 03/16/2020 Martin Kopf No
Shiners Magnetic Shiners Voodoo MV Miss Chocolatekid 04/15/2020 Sabrina Ludwig No
Shinerubia Shine Chic Shine Miss Baby Whiz 03/19/2020 Massimiliano Ruggeri No
Shining Boggie Gun Colonels Shining Gun Ro Ladylikestoboggie 05/18/2020 Gino Bonneure No
Shining Ginko Gun Chic Magnetic Shining Ginger Gun 04/30/2020 Cristina Serra No
Shining Gun Escapes Colonels Shining Gun Donna Arc Escapes BB 05/15/2020 Sara Nordin No
Shining Guns N Roses Colonels Shining Gun Roses for Einstein 02/14/2020 23 Quarter Horses SRL No
Shining Magnum Shiners Voodoo Magnums Chiclet 04/16/2020 Lars Aström No
Shining Miss Voodoo Shiners Voodoo Spat A Splash HR 03/19/2020 Sabine Hirzel No
Shining Pap Solano Colonels Shining Gun Frozen Pap Solano 05/10/2020 Luga Quarter Horses No
Shining Scarface Colonels Shining Gun So Pepto Party 03/23/2020 Marina Becker No
Shining White Spot Colonels Shining Gun At Marywood 01/15/2020 Christian Baldelli No
Shiningrevolution RH Colonels Shining Gun Revolutions Diamond 04/13/2020 Ricarda Hucke No
Shiny Bubblemachine Whiz Shining Style BMS Texas Rose 04/05/2020 Sonja Thielen No
Shiny Little Step Colonels Shining Gun Wimpys Sophie Oak 03/30/2020 Marion Lang No
Showbiz Me By Step My Showbiz Whiz Wimpys Brooksinics 06/16/2020 Andrea Manucci No
Showgirl Smoking Gun Lil Smokeing Gun Showgirl Shining Gun 06/18/2020 Grey Stone Ranch Gmbh Yes
Showhite Show Me The Buckles BHB Katberry Stargun 04/02/2020 Valérie Fontaine Yes
Showman SG Frozen Enterprize Chekaspook 06/05/2020 Schlager Nestelberger Partnership No
Shutdown Best Spook Lil Ruf Prissy 03/27/2020 Bjoern Buerig No
Single Malt XO In Like Flinn Gunners Doll 03/06/2020 Fabien Boiron No
Sirius Smokeing Gun Lil Smokeing Gun Dual Survival 04/12/2020 Susi Zerbinati No
Sissy Frozen Spark Spark N Whiz Frozen Anna 05/02/2020 Quintessenza Sssa No
Six Bomb Inferno Sixty Six What Elze 04/06/2020 Claudia Hahn Yes
Sky Show Gunner Gunner Dun It Again Jamie Showgun 05/10/2020 Cosimo Grippa No
Skyisnotthelimit Ricochet Rooster Scarlet High Listo 04/16/2020 J&J Comm V No
SL Lil Red Mamba Ref Black Mamba SL Helluvas Minnie 03/26/2020 Sandra Linnig-Foehl No
SL Stars N Dreams Magnum With A Dream SL Wimpys Princess 03/19/2020 Sandra Linnig-Foehl No
SL Thischicsabigstar ARC Gunnabeabigstar This Chics Red 05/19/2020 Sandra Linnig-Foehl No
SL Wildnightintown Hollywoodstinseltown SL Hang Ten Becky 05/30/2020 Sandra Linnig-Foehl No
Slap Facedun Reminic Pale Face Dunnit Mizzen Nic 05/29/2020 Massimo Scanarotti No
SM Magic Gun Corona ARC Magic Enterprise SM Inside Gun 03/10/2020 Massimo Solbiati No
SM Magicice Valentin ARC Magic Enterprise Iceinside 02/13/2020 Massimo Solbiati No
SM Yellowstonegunnic Hollywood Gun Dunnit Whosthatchex 04/20/2020 Massimo Solbiati No
Smart Alvinwood Gun Hollywood Gunnit Smart Kingolina 04/19/2020 Christian Vignoli No
Smart Babe Smart Spook Shine Like A Babe 01/10/2020 Quarter Dream SRL Yes
Smart Joelene Lil Joe Cash Rey Nic Chic 05/06/2020 Jessica Dros No
Smart Lil Voodoo Shiners Voodoo Charleys Smart Miss 03/23/2020 Nicol Gradwohl No
Smart N Best Best Spook Smart Susen 03/09/2020 Conni Kuttenreich No
Smart N Listo Smart N Sparkin Kc Run Around Listo 05/14/2020 Gino Bonneure No
Smart N Stinger Spooks Gotta Sting Chics Smart Bell 04/15/2020 Marco Vecchiutti No
Smart Rooster Juice Ricochet Rooster RZ Custom Juice 04/24/2020 Barbara Baldi No
Smart Rusty Smart N Sparkin GP High Surprise 07/05/2020 Sabrina Schneiter No
Smart Sweetie Face Pale Face Dunnit Maria Olena 04/16/2020 Piero Priori No
Smart Twisted Stop Best Spook Sommers Goldmine 06/17/2020 Evelyn Rois No
Smarty Bond Hickory Smartins Hickory Miss Bond O Lena 05/20/2020 Hermann Hagenauer No
Smokey The Bandit Dunnit Like A Master Smokin Sailor Jazzy 02/10/2020 Impresa Agricola Cuoghi No
Smokin Like Flinn In Like Flinn Smoking Two Step 03/26/2020 Thierry Willigsecker No
Smokin Roseana Smokin Mifillena Kings Rio Rose 04/15/2020 Alina Lange No
Smokinc Whiz Quiet Whiz Real Smokinic Rm 05/06/2020 Massimo Chiesa No
Smoking Joe Cash Lil Joe Cash Matthew Gun 04/19/2020 Melanie Bizet No
Smoking Lil Star Smoking Kills Xtra Stylish Star 05/26/2020 Brenda Reijtenbagh No
Smoking Whizkey Whizkey N Diamonds Miss Colonels 86 06/19/2020 BO Ranch No
Smoking Zedd Gunnatrashya Zedd Sunburst 03/11/2020 23 Quarter Horses SRL No
Smoky Gun Gunner Dun It Again Missing The Boogie 06/08/2020 Jan Van Der Auwera No
Snapolution Start A Revolution Major Snapper 04/08/2020 Sabine Lisec No
Snapper Cal Star Piccolo Spanish Star Jac Olena 05/07/2020 Giorgio Bandinu No
Snapper Shining Gun Colonels Shining Gun Spanish Dolly Pop 04/19/2020 Giorgia Buccini No
Sofialoren Magnum Chic Dream Limpy Little Step 03/30/2020 Andrea Bianchini Yes
Spark Magnetica Spark N Whiz Chic Magnetica 01/03/2020 Luga Quarter Horses No
Spark N Bo Sun Spark N Whiz Vanessa Bo Sun 03/24/2020 Franco Rosso No
Spark N Electric Hollys Electricspark A Spooks Heart 03/30/2020 Susa Sauer No
Spark N Sail Hollys Electricspark Hp Pebbles Sail On 03/15/2020 Susa Sauer No
Sparkatrashya BB Gunnatrashya Walla Walla Sunshine 03/22/2020 Eifel Gold Ranch Baeck Yes
Sparklin Dun It Electric Code MK Hollywood Diva 05/03/2020 Andrea Morawitz Yes
Sparkling Jake Whiz Shining Style Captain Filly SG 04/02/2020 Francesco Arrighi No
Sparkly Reminds Cat Cats Got Freckles CH Miss Remi Chex 04/02/2020 Silvia Manfredi No
Sparkly Spook Mr Electric Spark Spooky Snow 05/02/2020 Edith Zenouda No
Spat Frozen Dyna SG Frozen Enterprize Spat A Diva 04/14/2020 Lena Alberti No
Spat Gun FC One Gun Mifilinda Spat 04/26/2020 Francesco Chiaverini No
Spataflash Pale Face Dunnit A Little Smart Flash 03/13/2020 ELC Performance Horses LLC No
Spatatino Bo Sun Spatatino Miss Ima Bo Sun 05/16/2020 Simone Maerini No
Special Eggy Whiz Walla Walla Whiz Blu Eyed Special 04/13/2020 Claudine Calavera No
Special Sunlight Gunners Special Nite Sheezasunnywhiz BB 03/31/2020 CS Ranch Management SA Yes
Spider Whiz Spooks Gotta Whiz Great Dun Pistol 04/02/2020 Christian Baldelli No
Spook Lightning Best Spook Olenas Finest Chic 03/12/2020 Dennis Tsin No
Spooks Apricot Spooks Gotta Sun Jacs Apricot 05/09/2020 Helmut Schulz No
Spooks Blue Shine Shine Chic Shine Spooks Got The Blues 04/07/2020 Claudia Steffen No
Spooks Custom Belle Smart Spook Custom Gunabelle 05/01/2020 Torsten Tiemann No
Spooks Gottasurprise Spooks Gotta Whiz ARC Honey Chick 03/03/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Spooks Rock Star Spooks Painted Gun Rooster Hickory 05/08/2020 Michaela Kogler No
Spooks Sniper Spooks Gotta Sun Must Skeeto 05/09/2020 Helmut Schulz No
Spookstep Wimpys Little Step Spooks O Lena 05/31/2020 Ambrosini Quarter Horses ASD No
Spookya ARC Gunnabeabigstar Hello I Gotta Whiz 01/09/2020 Lisa Schlatter Yes
SQH Spooksgottamoon Spooks Gotta Sting Lady Moonlight MR 05/25/2020 Diana Ewald No
SQH Wild Lil Justice SDP Justice Is Comin Wild Princess Bar 05/20/2020 Giulio Trevisan No
SR Undercover Grace Undercover Spook Mousemans Hotrodder 05/09/2020 Jenny Kuhn (Nekula) No
SS A Special Spark Spooks Gotta Whiz VR Great Spark 04/08/2020 Mirko Piazzi Yes
SS One Dream Shining Colonels Shining Gun Two Dream One Dunit 06/01/2020 Mirko Piazzi No
SS The Red Dun Queen AB The Red DA Isa The Real Kid 04/27/2020 Lenka Lukackova No
Sswimpyshiningstein Colonels Shining Gun Wimpystein 03/27/2020 Samantha Serafini No
St Joe Gunner Lil Joe Cash Gunners Smokin Angel 03/20/2020 Nikolaus Strolz No
Star Little Nikywhiz Star Spangled Whiz Smart Chexy Nic 05/02/2020 Yrieix MILLARD No
Starlight Bambo Lena FB Eyed Jac Risky Starlight 01/09/2020 Caracciolo/Lukacs No
Starskya Starbuck ARC Gunna Sparkya G G Star 05/24/2020 Vittorio Rabboni No
Staysafeintinseltown Tinseltownsmokingun Dc Last Smart 04/15/2020 Steve Ouellet No
Stella My Whiz My Showbiz Whiz Snappers Melody 04/27/2020 Adriano Pedretti No
Stepin Voodoo Shiners Voodoo Dr OT Stepin Closer 04/11/2020 Gerrit Wijngaarden No
Steppin In Caribbean Steppin On Sparks CDS Caribbean Swann 01/05/2020 Ambrosini Quarter Horses ASD No
Stylish Icy Gunna More Than Stylish Icy Callya 04/28/2020 Francesco Marchegiani No
Sugar Daddys Cash Lil Cash Gun My Bonita Starlight 03/15/2020 Richard Or Melanie Zehetbauer No
Sugar Little Spook Sugar Little Step Dance Little Spook 04/28/2020 Quarter Dream SRL Yes
Sugarguns Tinky Tinker With Guns Sugar Go To Chari 03/27/2020 Jure Struna No
Sun Gun Pep Hollywood Gun It A Senoritapep 05/07/2020 Adriano Pedretti No
Sun Kissed Face Pale Face Dunnit Shining Sparktolena 06/19/2020 Dominique Reynaud No
Superwalla Walla Walla Whiz Ah Lady Oscar 05/22/2020 Alberto Sabbadin No
Surely A Gun Gunners Last Oak Custom Surely 04/17/2020 Sabrina Fritz No
SW Goldfinger Hang Ten And Shine Wimpys Chic Olena 06/07/2020 Jenny Smulders No
Sweet Cash O Mine Lil Joe Cash Cal Sweetheart Whiz 06/11/2020 Tanja Engel No
SZ Nitegirl Gunners Special Nite Mizzen Spook 04/07/2020 Stefanie Zotti No
Taris Enterprize SG Frozen Enterprize San Taris Solanos 04/11/2020 Enea Giacomelli No
Taris Gun Surprise GFC Quixote Gun Tari Surprise 05/15/2020 Stefano Ianiero No
Tarispark Smartpeppy Kitas Spark MRM Priscilla Parr 02/08/2020 Alessandro Nicotra No
Tarys Grays Scarlet Tarysmart Grays Bar Girl 02/28/2020 Helmut Schulz No
Tarysvintage Tarysmart A Jazzy Vintage 04/21/2020 Katharina Schweitzer No
TBR Rahmbos Magnum Magnum Chic Dream TBR Shes Smart Whiz 07/21/2020 Juan Araquistain No
TD Freedom Of Spooks Spooks Gotta Sting TdTallulahrevolution 04/10/2020 Erika Costamagna No
The Black Knight Gunner Dun It Again Poco Lena Enterprise 04/30/2020 Sabine Ehrenreich No
The Blue Lagoon Spat A Blue Glory Be Whiz 04/01/2020 Lien Van Cauwenbergh No
The Dance Monkey Colonels Shining Gun Rosita Cody 02/03/2020 Schlager Nestelberger Partnership No
The Frozen Comet SG Frozen Enterprize Solanos Wimpy Step 05/13/2020 Sarah Struys No
The Italian Mobster HF Mobster Sunshine Cassandra 03/05/2020 Alessandro Virgara No
The Smart Mobster HF Mobster Playgirls Slik Chic 06/21/2020 Elizabeth Bakker No
Thelma Chex It Again Gunner Dun It Again Nu Chex Beauty 05/22/2020 David Roux No
Themagiciansupernova Hollywood Gun Dunnit Taris Easter Chex 04/29/2020 Grazia Ruggieri No
Themajorleagueplayer ARC Lone Pine Dun It Holly Major Whiz 05/19/2020 Gildo Mercuri No
Thirty Eight Speshal Gunners Special Nite Dun A Lotta Dreamin 05/24/2020 Steve & Gina VANNIETVELT-DE PAUW No
Thor Gotta Spooks Spooks Gotta Sting Hollywood Nini Dream 05/14/2020 Ivonne Bortolot No
Tinker Little Sailor Tinker With Guns Sailor Chicca 01/16/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Tinkers Chic Gun Tinker With Guns Rufs Little Holly 05/15/2020 Michaela Kautz Yes
Tinsel Jaene Gunners Tinseltown Eyes Of The Master 05/09/2020 Gino Bonneure No
Tinsel On Broadway Tinseltownsmokingun Dun It Broadish 01/01/2020 Daniela Fuith No
Tinselspat Rebellion Spat Olena Tinsel Whiz Dunit 06/11/2020 Gerhard Froech No
Tinseltown Abby Hollywoodstinseltown Big Micky Chic 05/01/2020 Schlager Nestelberger Partnership No
TJ S LITTLE RAMBO Wimpys Little Tejano Jeanie Okie Whiz 05/09/2020 Pia Boonstoppel No
To Drunk To Rooster Ricochet Rooster Drunk On Love 04/25/2020 23 Quarter Horses SRL No
Tom Hangs Hollywood Gun Dunnit RR Rising Star 05/01/2020 Pavel Orel No
Toosie Slide Mister Sure Whiz Royal Boom N Nic BB 05/04/2020 Felix Larsson No
Top Whiz Shine Colonels Shining Gun So Whiz Up 06/11/2020 Tullio Mascarello No
Topface Whiz BB Pale Face Dunnit Whizawallatopsail BB 03/12/2020 Laetitia Guisset No
Tops My Frost Spatatino Ms Mickey Jac 05/03/2020 Bartolomeo Impegno No
Trashmania In Like Flinn No Collen Me Trashy 01/12/2020 Cecilia Frediani No
Trasholution HR Gunnersrevolution Ms Trash Escapes BB 05/30/2020 Ricarda Hucke No
Trashya Chic Shine Chic Shine Shyawhiz 03/31/2020 Piergiuseppe Guidetti No
Tricky Shiny Gun MR Colonels Shining Gun Trick Or Treats 04/17/2020 Caracciolo/Lukacs No
TT Dunit On Ice SG Frozen Enterprize Mrs King Doc Lena 04/07/2020 Yvonne Tuscher No
Twisted Ruff Diamond Not Ruf At All Twisted Diamonds 05/01/2020 Mateja Vesel No
Two Smart To Spook Best Spook DP Shawna Starbuck 03/06/2020 Desiree Borger No
Udovodoo Shiners Voodoo Smart Kachina Tag 03/21/2020 Norbert Nestelberger No
Ultraviolet Lil Smokeing Gun Flowers Remediz 03/19/2020 Filippo Masi No
Unlocked Chic Smart Chic Olena CL Gunnagirl 03/01/2020 Marco Cremaschi No
Unusual White Face Pale Face Dunnit Fm Step Olena 04/26/2020 Ambrosini Quarter Horses ASD No
Uva Enterprize PC SG Frozen Enterprize One Helluva Chick 06/05/2020 Soc Agr Pietracavalla SRL No
VA Like A Platinum Platinum Vintage Like A Fallingfeather 04/10/2020 Azienda Agr Va Quarter Horses No
VA Shine West Shine Shine Chic Shine West Coast Pine 03/06/2020 Azienda Agr Va Quarter Horses No
Valentines Fantasy Chexolution Xtra Black Fantasy 02/14/2020 Eyal Carmon No
Vanity Face Pale Face Dunnit ML Ruffian Vanity 05/21/2020 Emanuela Allevato No
Vbgreatgoldenalegria Great Sun Burst Golden Alegria 06/15/2020 Pietro Belelli No
VC Son Of A Gun Black Gotta Gun Gunners Little Sky 04/27/2020 Charlene Foerster No
VD Sparkin Surprized Smart N Sparkin Surprized By A Star 02/12/2020 Roel Van Dijk No
VD What A Great Wave What A Wave ARH Coco N Resolve 03/01/2020 Roel Van Dijk No
VD Whizzin Spark Smart N Sparkin Alicias Conquistador 02/20/2020 Roel Van Dijk No
Vintage Crome MH A Sparkling Vintage Custom Cash In Roan 05/14/2020 Martina Hable No
Vintageplatinum Whiz Platinum Vintage Miss Dizzy Whiz 02/07/2020 Schlager Nestelberger Partnership No
Viola Gunner Pep Heza Gunner A Coletta Pep 04/03/2020 Adriano Pedretti No
Virgolenashiningchex Colonels Shining Gun Nu Chucka 05/06/2020 Daniele Treccani No
VL Shinechic N Dunit Shine Chic Shine Rise Up With Reninic 05/04/2020 Valerio Liberati No
VM Sally Shining Gun Colonels Shining Gun RS Miura Olena 03/11/2020 Valentina Martinotti Yes
Voodoo Black Edition Shiners Voodoo Dr Easy Otie Moon 04/20/2020 Myriam Niedhammer No
Voodoo Cal Bar Shiners Voodoo Shania Snapper 04/26/2020 Janine Ketterer Yes
Voodoo Cocktail Wimpyneedsacocktail Shinersprettyvoodoo 04/29/2020 Judith and Joerg Junker Junker No
Voodoo Gun Dun It Shiners Voodoo Katie Gun Dun It 04/18/2020 Kimberly Wegner No
Voodoollennium Call Me Mr Voodoo Frosty Millennium 04/25/2020 Christin Hilling No
Voodoos Dr Crome Shiners Voodoo Dr Custom Ginger 03/12/2020 Jenny Kuhn (Nekula) No
Voodoos Dreamin Chic Shiners Voodoo Lean Whiz Hollywood 04/27/2020 Gerhard Pfau No
Voodoos Shootingstar Shiners Voodoo Dr Select A Star 04/25/2020 Anne Tournay No
Voodoos Special Gin Shiners Voodoo Dr Runners Special Jewel 05/17/2020 Christian Weidlich No
VQH Chexy Shine Shine Chic Shine Bueno San Lucy 05/05/2020 Beniamino Straziuso No
Vqh Dunnit Whiteface Pale Face Dunnit VQH Tyson Therapy 03/03/2020 Nicola Fidanza No
VQH Gunna Slide Hollywood Gun Dunnit Slide Lady Glo 01/06/2020 Beniamino Straziuso No
VV Smart Gunsnroses Mister Smart Dual Colonels Gunsnroses 06/23/2020 Tina Lawrence No
Walla Ballouwhiz BB Walla Walla Whiz Hollywood Balloues 03/23/2020 Eifel Gold Ranch Baeck Yes
Walla Crispy Crunch Lil Smokeing Gun Rosetta Whiz 02/13/2020 Anna Hinmueller No
Walla Dun It Better Dun Ok Dun Walla Walla Chics 04/27/2020 Istvan Horog No
Walla Gunspark MS Walla Walla Whiz Delilahsdozenroses 05/21/2020 Markus Suechting No
Walla Walla Duke Walla Walla Whiz JM Spark Electric Gun 03/17/2020 Caracciolo/Lukacs No
Walla Walla Winkle Walla Walla Whiz Late Little Jaba 03/13/2020 Nicola Cordioli No
Walla Whiz Diamond Walla Whiz Crome VR Okie Lady 04/21/2020 Joanna Albrecht No
Walla Whiz Dun It Walla Walla Whiz The Bun Is Dun 04/24/2020 Janosch Theine No
Walla Whiz Moon Walla Whiz Crome Moonlight Mercedes 03/25/2020 Thomas Moll No
Walla Whiz N Spook Walla Walla Whiz Spooks Gotta Sail 03/02/2020 Joke Overbeek Fennema No
Wallawannagun Walla Walla Whiz Chicas Gotta Gun 05/16/2020 Silke Stein No
Walt Withman Gas One Gun Doctornice Lucky 04/21/2020 Settimio Mordenti No
Wave Whiz Djessey What A Wave Ruf Lady Whiz Star 06/23/2020 Maamke Doeksen No
Waves N Roses What A Wave Mae Buds N Roses 02/11/2020 Irmgard Brendgens No
WF Shot of Whiskey Dun It For Whizkey Sweet Baby Surprise 05/02/2020 Claudia Giurisato No
What A Dynamite MS What A Wave Smartest In Town 03/19/2020 Martina Schröder No
What A Pretty Rose What A Wave Roseable 06/02/2020 Esther Ariane Aschitsch No
What A Smart Crome What A Wave Custom Olena Chic 04/30/2020 Myriam Niedhammer No
Whateverittake Walla Walla Whiz Magnum Chic N Chex 02/10/2020 Giuseppe Prevosti No
White N Electric Hollys Electricspark Oakendokie 05/18/2020 Susa Sauer No
White Sailor PC Spat Split And White Chic Sailor 02/08/2020 Soc Agr Pietracavalla SRL No
Whiz A Dun Rock Whizoom Bonanza Miss Olena 03/31/2020 Jeremy Ropert No
Whiz Be Stylish Mr Whiz Shining Style MP Katie Be Step 05/10/2020 Alice Marinoni No
Whiz N Tag Spark Spark N Whiz Margarita Tag 03/01/2020 Luga Quarter Horses No
Whiz Shining Steadys Whiz Shining Style Miss Tarishickory 05/23/2020 Di Gregorio Dino No
Whizcraft Spooks Gotta Whiz Jac Golden Faith 04/13/2020 Claudia Hahn Yes
Whizever It Takes Colonels Shining Gun Don Quintanas Whiz 04/29/2020 Tiara Van Dongen No
Whizkey And Gun Dun It For Whizkey Pretty Miss Smokegun 05/06/2020 Irmgard Brendgens No
Whizzy Sailor Sol AB Captain Badger Whiz Sandy 03/23/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Wilsons Late Nite Gunners Special Nite SL Whiz N Tag Dunit 04/11/2020 Klaus Kopp No
Wimpy Little Cody Wimpy Step Surprise Torina In Peppy 04/06/2020 Mattia Camisi No
Wimpy Mythic Step Wimpy Step Surprise Dolomythic 05/26/2020 Mattia Camisi No
Wimpy Spook Olena Best Spook Wimpy Tip Olena 05/22/2020 Saskia Ritter No
Wimpy Super Dunit DB Yellownik Brigalena Super Dunit 02/22/2020 Claudio Frigeni No
Wimpyneedsashine Wimpyneedsacocktail Dont Trash Thisshine 03/18/2020 Paulina Lesniak No
Wimpys Shining Oscar Colonels Shining Gun Wimpys Sugar Candy 04/25/2020 Bernd Meyer No
Wimpys Winner Spook Jacs Lil Spook Wimpys Dude Whiz 05/05/2020 Ruben Pacheco Cuevas No
Wimpys WR Bigstar ARC Gunnabeabigstar Arc Oak Diamonds 03/07/2020 Wr - Horses No
Wimpysgotashinygun Colonels Shining Gun Stepup Soft Sally BB 04/10/2020 Michael Bruder No
Wimpysnapcromedolly Wimpy Margarita MH Starlite Snapper 03/22/2020 Maurizio Ferrarol No
Wishin For Mercedes Mercedes Rooster Wishin With Me 03/26/2020 Marta Mianowska No
WK Voodoos Magik Shiners Voodoo Shiny Choco Chic 03/17/2020 Kerstin Zilles No
WK White Cloud Shiners Voodoo Be My Vintage 04/02/2020 Kerstin Zilles No
World Map Spooks Gotta Whiz Jokin Peppy 03/08/2020 Cecilia Frediani No
Wow Frozen Walla AB Captain Badger Walla Walla Wow 03/05/2020 Angelucci Quarter Horses No
Wrangler Wish A Wave What A Wave Wrangler Wishes 05/31/2020 Lars Nordin No
X Da Vinci Code Electric Code Spanish Eita 03/09/2020 Karl Pardeller No
Yell Low Stone Tarysmart Whiz Jackie 03/12/2020 Helmut Schulz No
Yellowstone Whiz Quiet Whiz Pepita Tary 05/22/2020 Alberto Tognetti No
Yersey Enterprize Yellow Jersey My Private Gun 04/18/2020 Suzanne Scharroo No
Zag Icegun SG Frozen Enterprize Gun At The Gate 02/10/2020 Antonio Zagaria Yes
Zag Vintage Gun A Sparkling Vintage Gun At The Gate 01/10/2020 Antonio Zagaria Yes